Showing Up

Times have changed.  Our young adults may not show up when we need them most.  And that scares the hell out of me! There was a time in my life when I showed up for pretty much anything and everything.  I had youthful energy and enthusiasm to drive me.  In those days, I never stopped to ask myself if I should or shouldn’t show up.  It hadn’t occurred to me that I wouldn’t show up to a workshop, a party, a class, church, or an event.  I always showed up.  And if I signed up to be there, I was there.  I was there whenever and wherever I was expected.  I never stopped to ask myself if I wanted to be here or there.  I just showed up as if I had no choice in the matter. In my late 30s that changed.  I got into the habit of questioning whether or not I would show up.  How and why did that happen?  And has this questioning been a good thing or a bad thing?  Continue reading “Showing Up”

I’ve Just Begun to Resist

I couldn’t bring myself to watch the inauguration on Friday.  I boycotted it in solidarity with Congressman John Lewis.  It wasn’t about being a sore loser as some Trump supporters like to suggest.  It wasn’t about shirking my patriotic  duty to watch the peaceful transition of power as others seem to believe.  It was the beginning of my resistance against this president and what he stands for.  If his next moves are like his first moves, then I will resist him with all my might. Continue reading “I’ve Just Begun to Resist”

Those Mid-life Body Changes

Like countless women, about the time I turned 43, perimenopause hit and it hit hard.  Thankfully, I have a great doctor.  She’s also a UCLA alum and she loves all my handbags, but what really makes her great is that she allows me to ask questions, like, “Why is this happening?”. My doctor likes to say that multiple switches are built into my DNA and at a pre-determined moment, certain ones just turn on. In other words, if I wasn’t hit by a bus before today, all these changes were predestined to occur according to some hidden internal clock.  Wow!  And the switches just keep turning on, each one bringing its own surprise and challenge.  This post is about my ongoing journey through the aging process and my 2017 response to the newest changes.  Women of a certain age may relate to the challenges presented in this post while others can gain new insights into the plight of their menopausal wife, mother, or friend. Younger women can get a preview of the days ahead and prepare for them. Continue reading “Those Mid-life Body Changes”

New Year’s Financial Resolution

I view the entire week between Christmas and January 1st as a time for personal reflection  and evaluation of the present year.  And then I slowly set goals that I know are attainable and that easily fit into the new routines that I will set for the new year to accommodate them.  Every aspect of my life is on the table and subject to close examination and possible revision.  In this post, I’m focusing on my finances. Continue reading “New Year’s Financial Resolution”