Those Mid-life Body Changes

Like countless women, about the time I turned 43, perimenopause hit and it hit hard.  Thankfully, I have a great doctor.  She’s also a UCLA alum and she loves all my handbags, but what really makes her great is that she allows me to ask questions, like, “Why is this happening?”. My doctor likes to say that multiple switches are built into my DNA and at a pre-determined moment, certain ones just turn on. In other words, if I wasn’t hit by a bus before today, all these changes were predestined to occur according to some hidden internal clock.  Wow!  And the switches just keep turning on, each one bringing its own surprise and challenge.  This post is about my ongoing journey through the aging process and my 2017 response to the newest changes.  Women of a certain age may relate to the challenges presented in this post while others can gain new insights into the plight of their menopausal wife, mother, or friend. Younger women can get a preview of the days ahead and prepare for them. Continue reading “Those Mid-life Body Changes”