To Tell the Truth

Most people have lied at least once in their lives.  I know I’ve lied to avoid hurting someone’s feelings: “Yes, I like your new haircut.” I’ve lied to avoid embarrassment: “I wonder where that awful smell is coming from?” I’ve lied to avoid getting into trouble: “I don’t know who broke the vase.” I’ve even lied to prove a point: “I got that fact from the encyclopedia.” But like most of you, I’ve put away the childish act of lying and found ways to effectively  to avoid telling uncomfortable truths.  These days, any misrepresentations of the truth are actually honest lapses in my memory.  I’d like to think that if I were to tell a lie today, it would be to protect someone’s life, like the courageous Corrie Ten Boom who hid Jews from the Nazis as depicted in the movie, “The Hiding Place”.  But these days, adults who should be role models are lying like crazy and without consequence.  These folks are using made up terms for their lying like “alternative facts” or “misspoken words” or “my opinion”.  When did espousing false facts or lying become acceptable?  In the country I hope to leave to the next generation, it is not acceptable!  Continue reading “To Tell the Truth”