Resurrection Day Hopes

On this most holy and hopeful of days, Resurrection Day, my only thought for this post is that people of good will can use the day to celebrate not only that Christ has risen (as Christians believe), but that His teachings can also rise again.I’m hopeful that on this day as we don our new Easter best, go to church, color and hide eggs for the children to hunt, enjoy the fun of the pretty Easter baskets full of chocolate and jelly beans, and enjoy a delicious meal with loved ones that we will add one more thing to this yearly tradition.

My hope is that the actual teachings of Christ will be resurrected in our hearts and minds and be lived out in our actions.  I’m referring of course to His teachings about loving our neighbors as ourselves.  His teachings about giving to the poor.  His teachings about what true generosity is.  His teachings about forgiving wrongs that have been done to us.  His teachings about priorities.  His teaching about judging others. His teachings about hospitality to the stranger and the outcast.  His teachings about faith and its purpose.  His teachings about how we should be treating each other with dignity and respect.  His teachings about gratitude.

The very Jesus who drove the money changers out of the temple is alive.  The same  Jesus who healed the sick and lame is alive.  This same Jesus who forgave the adulterous woman and said to her accusers, “Let him who is without sin cast the first stone” is alive.  And since He is alive, He is watching us.  I’m fond of the term, “What would Jesus do?”  It reminds me of how I should be living my life.

As a follower of Christ, I’ll use this day to resurrect a few of His teachings that I’ve allowed to be buried by inconvenient circumstances and the weights of everyday life.  It’s resurrection day!  Happy Easter!

3 Replies to “Resurrection Day Hopes”

  1. Beautifully expressed – I am hopeful that the many good deeds and gestures of today outweigh the devastation and sadness. God is still on the throne.

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