Those Precious Few Fatherly Moments

On occasion, I could see why my mother was attracted to my father.  He was a brilliant man, highly educated, and ambitious.  He was very handsome, too, and charismatic.  I’m certain she had no idea that the man for whom she left college to  marry and bare three children in quick succession would turn out to be a man who would only grace his children with precious few moments of real  fatherhood.   Continue reading “Those Precious Few Fatherly Moments”

The Type A Vacation

I’ve taken a good number of personality tests over the years and every one  of them has reached  the same conclusion about my personality.  Of course, each uses a different label.  I’m type A, I’m a driver, I’m an achiever.  What is true is that I measure the success of my day by how much I have accomplished.  I set goals.  I like crossing things off my to do list. Although I like people,  I’m more task oriented than people oriented.  This is what makes the notion that I’m taking a vacation a kind of a misnomer for the weeks away from my job.   Continue reading “The Type A Vacation”