Demanding Gun Control

Like the rest of America, I am distraught and outraged by yet another mass shooting in one of our high schools during which 17 innocent lives were taken.  And like the youth who are speaking out, I’m  also weary of the thoughts and prayers offered by lawmakers who have no intention of doing anything about the problem.  The days of thoughts and prayers only must come to an end in 2018. I’m not against the 2nd Amendment.  The right to bear arms has its place for hunting, law enforcement, personal protection, collecting (some are truly works of art), and unfortunately, war.  Since humans haven’t learned how to resolve their differences without violence and power hungry madmen still roam the earth, guns remain a necessary evil.  But not every person should have access to guns and not every gun is appropriate for the general public.  We have to be reasonable and I fear that reason eludes us.  Our Republican politicians aren’t even capable of uttering the words, “gun control” or “gun regulations” for fear of the NRA (National Rifle Association) and other gun lobbyist.

My husband owns guns.  My father owned guns.  Yet I have never held a gun in my life and hopefully I am unlikely to at this point.  Like many people, I abhor violence and the thought of pulling a trigger to take the life of another human being sickens me.  However, I concede that given the right circumstances, I am capable of doing it.  But the problem our society faces today has nothing to do with hunting or self-protection and it is a problem of our own making.

We can figure out a way to balance the 2nd Amendment right to bear arms with public safety.  Lawmakers are charged with upholding the Constitution.  Well, the preamble of said Constitution clearly states that its purpose is to “promote the general welfare” along with providing for the “common defense” and insuring “domestic tranquility” and ensuring the “blessings of liberty” for ourselves and our posterity.  Anyone who says they can’t pass gun regulations because of the 2nd Amendment is missing the point of the Constitution.

I would argue that allowing private citizens to obtain semi-automatic military weapons, such as an AR 15 is inappropriate as this is a weapon of war and is designed to deliver maximum carnage.  If people want to shoot it for fun, let them go to a shooting range where they can rent the weapon at the range and leave it there.  For non-military guns, it is reasonable to expect that adult citizens undergo a mental health evaluation, a gun safety certification, and a background check before being able to purchase one.  Let’s get rid of the private sales that bypass these steps.  If someone wants to sell a gun, it should have to go through an authorized dealer.  If someone wants to purchase a gun, he should have to prove himself worthy of the public trust by undergoing the scrutiny I outlined before: mental health, safety certification, and background check.  This is fair and reasonable.

The only way we’re going to make this happen is to hold our current lawmakers accountable and to vote for candidates who promote sensible gun laws.   We’ll have the opportunity to vote in the right politicians during the mid-term elections this year.  As a brilliant political scientist at my University stated in his post this week, research where a politician stands on gun control before you vote for him or her.  If you’re so inclined, donate to that candidate’s campaign or volunteer.  Let your friends and family know what you found out about your chosen candidates and make sure they are also registered to vote.  Help them get to the polls if necessary.  Today, email or call current lawmakers to let them know we want sensible gun control laws now.  Our collective voices and donations have to become stronger and louder than the gun lobbyists who are holding too many of them hostage.

Share this post with family and friends in red states (Republican) or purple states (mixed) to help activate them.  We can save the lives of some who are suicidal, victims of accidental shootings, and the would be victims of homicide.  Mass shooters are equal opportunity killers and we have it in our power to preserve the 2nd Amendment while also ensuring public safety, but the changes come through our elected officials.,_2018

One Reply to “Demanding Gun Control”

  1. Called “6 Degrees of Kevin Bacon” ~ a way to link to anyone on the planet. Tragic thought. A late friend’s 2 grand daughters saw an ex-boyfriend gun down their BFF’s in the school cafeteria. Another friend’s grand survived LV, but her concert date died on the spot. That’s 3 too many for this Grandma. Money worship rules DC. Prayers? PC from the “Foxhole”. NRA & Citizens United are Gods. A public wall, violently studded with bullets named for all mass victims including survivors (since Columbine) needs to be on the DC Mall. Make it REAL! Until voters realize the NRA & CU own$ DC, nothing changes. I stand with Everytown USA & Overturn Citizens United. Vote for honest legislators: caring, colorblind Americans not subject to monetary influence.

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