Spring Always Brings Me Change

I’ve often claimed that spring is my favorite time of the year.  Even in sunny California, spring is an exceptionally beautiful time with the blossoming fruit trees, the wisteria and star jasmine that take turns perfuming my backyard and the inevitable return of the freesia and dahlias I  planted a few years ago.  Roses bloom and the nursery is filled with colorful annuals.  But spring has always meant more substantial life changes beyond my garden.  Continue reading “Spring Always Brings Me Change”

Recognizing Progress

This week I had the privilege of hearing the experience and expectations of a queer male student on our campus.  As he described his experience, he kept qualifying each account with a “but we only have” or “but we need to have” or “but we don’t have.”  At first, I felt a bit offended by how this student described the glass as half empty and not as half full.  I think sometimes in our push for needed reforms, we neglect to recognize and celebrate progress. Continue reading “Recognizing Progress”


Trauma is defined simply as a deeply distressing or disturbing experience. On this resurrection Sunday, we are reminded that Jesus suffered the trauma of crucifixion on Friday that included physical and emotional pain plus humiliation.  But God raised him up after three days to take His place as King of Kings and Lord of Lords.   As human beings, we all experience varying degrees of trauma at different points in our lives.

Continue reading “Trauma”