My Annoying Type A Personality

Over the years I’ve taken many different personality tests.  I’ve taken them for career exploration, teams, a course, work groups, leadership training, and personal interest.  They all confirm what those around me already know: I’m primarily a type A, driver, achiever, task oriented person.  Add to that my Virgo perfectionism and you have a recipe for an obnoxious presence.  Admittedly, my personality is at times annoying to people who are far more laid back, warm, and fun-loving.  I’m always trying to moderate or tone down my strong inclination to get things done and done perfectly, but it isn’t easy. Continue reading “My Annoying Type A Personality”

Fighting Trump Fatigue

I am fighting a horrific case of what I call, “Trump Fatigue”.  It’s that urge to curse, throw something, or escape to my happy place every time I hear his voice or hear about another of his lies or some other ill-informed decision he’s made.  Trump Fatigue is a disease.  For me, it manifests itself with my heart racing, a pit in my stomach, and the desire to lash out.  It’s the feel of my blood pressure rising and a feeling of frustration born out of a sense of helplessness and disbelief that too many Americans are complicit in his behavior. Continue reading “Fighting Trump Fatigue”

My Daughter’s Mental Illness

Yesterday was my beautiful daughter, Kimberly Joy’s birthday. It is hard to believe that my second child, born on June 2, 1982, after only four hours of back labor is a college graduate, married, and employed 36 year old woman.  It has been a challenging road to get here and perhaps we missed all the small warning signs that something was different in her brain chemistry until she was in college and had her first break in 2003. Continue reading “My Daughter’s Mental Illness”