I am fighting a horrific case of what I call, “Trump Fatigue”. It’s that urge to curse, throw something, or escape to my happy place every time I hear his voice or hear about another of his lies or some other ill-informed decision he’s made.  Trump Fatigue is a disease. For me, it manifests itself with my heart racing, a pit in my stomach, and the desire to lash out. It’s the feel of my blood pressure rising and a feeling of frustration born out of a sense of helplessness and disbelief that too many Americans are complicit in his behavior.I am dismayed by what is happening in our nation. Trump has told so many lies and half-truths, and espouses unfounded accusations regularly. And he continues to lie every time he opens his mouth while his administration, supporters, along with Fox News struggle to defend him. The Republicans know they have a crisis of leadership in this president but are too afraid of his base to do anything about it. The cult of personality that infects people is truly dangerous. It is painful to watch people willingly set aside their moral values and common sense to support Trump. It feels like we are witnesses to our country being dragged deeper and deeper into the gutter everyday while powerless to stop it. But we are not powerless if we join with others of like mind.
Alone, my emails to the White House and political representatives don’t amount to much, but I do it because I know others may be doing it too and that there is power in numbers. It is going to take the voices of many Americans who care about truth and moral leadership and who demand intelligent, well-thought-out public policies to protest, call, write, and especially vote. It’s difficult, but daily, I have to overcome my Trump Fatigue and push forward. To turn away from the news is to concede to the destruction of our nation and its values. Real people are being hurt by his policies. The earth is being hurt by his policies.
Together we have the opportunity and the obligation as patriotic Americans to make sure we and our family and friends make it to the polls to vote in representatives who care about the rule of law, the environment, and common decency. It matters how we treat children. It matters that we work with our allies. Truth and science matter for our survival. Silence is consent. Many believe that Edmund Burke said, “The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.”
If we do nothing, we will all be living in a nation none of us recognizes or wants. We can’t allow Trump Fatigue, no matter how disconcerting, to make us tune out and give up. The fight is on.
Perfectly realized expression of what I experience also. I often resist the urge to turn on the news for the very reasons you cite. I journal near daily, essays I can include, modified, in letters I write. Your thoughts, your voice, gives me hope. Thank you for sharing.