Preparing for Retirement

When I was 15 years old, I took my first official payroll job stocking shelves at the local Woolworth Department Store in Van Nuys, California.  I had to take the bus to get there and I hated the job, but loved the money.  Thankfully, I have spent the bulk of my working years loving my job and enjoying the money.  Yet eventually, even this aspect of my life will transition to a new life: retirement.  And loving retirement is not a foregone conclusion. Continue reading “Preparing for Retirement”

Where is the Love?

Wednesday night my husband asked if I would accompany him to watch the new “Equalizer 2” movie.  We couldn’t recall the first “Equalizer” that  starred my favorite actor, Denzel Washington, so we found it On Demand and watched it. Thirty minutes into the movie, I was feeling physically sick as it became clear that Denzel was going to do battle to free a young Russian woman who was being trafficked for sex in this country.  I admit that I have always struggled with man’s inhumanity. Good must always do battle with evil; I just struggle with why there is so much evil.  And the problem seems to be worsening. Continue reading “Where is the Love?”

Masters of Deception

I watched a clip of a Trump rally this week and realized that we have to be on guard more than ever for lies, deflections, exaggerations, scapegoating, red-herrings and straw man arguments.  It doesn’t just come from Trump but from his media supporters.  How do we combat this constant barrage of unfair and unethical argumentation? Continue reading “Masters of Deception”

Calling All Patriots

For a minute, I wanted to set aside the American flag because Donald Trump was wrapping himself in it.  I wanted to take a knee during the National Anthem because he demands that I stand.  But then I thought to myself, “Hell no!”  I am not going to cede my American values and the aspiration of justice and freedom for all to an immoral, ignorant, liar, and want-a-be dictator like Donald Trump.  He’s not the patriot, I am.  And unless our collective voices become louder and more demanding than his, we are going to lose our country. Continue reading “Calling All Patriots”