Cynicism Excuses Corruption

When I observe the many indictments against those who worked for the sitting president, I can’t help but wonder why so many Republicans are still supporting him.  I heard nearly 80% of Republicans continue to support this president.   It seems like a strong case  of cynicism has taken hold of too many Americans, making it exceedingly difficult to hold this president accountable to the rule of law.  Think about it, if Obama had been implicated in just one of this president’s many scandals, to say nothing of the numerous accusations of actual criminal behavior, we would have already been in impeachment proceedings. 

The difference is that we’ve entered an era of cynicism.  Too many people hold the view that it is normal and even acceptable that human actions are only motivated by selfishness.  When cynicism takes hold of people’s thinking it becomes okay for a person to lie, steal, cheat and break all kinds of laws in the interest of becoming president.  And since that president is doing their bidding by nominating judges to overturn laws they don’t like, then they’ll overlook the corruption.  It becomes okay for a sitting president businessman to use his public office for personal gain.  If we have actually become so cynical in our thought processes, then moving forward we will get even more corrupt government officials.  

This will be a short post because my thoughts around this subject are simple.  We cannot afford to allow cynicism to define our expectations of each other.  We absolutely must raise our standards to once again value the collective good.  Public service officials must be of service to the public not to their own personal interests.  Anything less becomes a fleecing of the public trust and wallet.  This is happening before our eyes and too many people are looking the other way as if this is not only okay, but expected.  That is cynicism and it leads to widespread corruption. We and our children and their children’s children will all pay for it if we refuse to hold the blantant corruption of this current administration to account. 

Impeachment isn’t just a political choice, it is a responsibility to the American people.  Our Founders put it there to protect our country against corrupt and self-dealing high public officials. They knew what we are experiencing today could happen and impeachment was the safeguard against it.   We must hold our House and Senate members fully responsible by ensuring that they hear our collective voices demanding a strong defense of our nation, its Constitution, and the rule of law.  We cannot allow cynicism to rule the day and ruin our nation.

One Reply to “Cynicism Excuses Corruption”

  1. Agreed. Let’s hold our religious leaders & persons in faith-related positions of trust accountable as well. Laws that govern personal behaviors for public office holders (including executive positions) were not written yesterday. Neither was the Bible. False witness is still false witness today. Shame on those who place their hand on a bible with no intention to live up to what they pledge to uphold. The next generation, watching this travesty, will be the ones to pay the price for the arrogance of those who will not live long enough to pay for the consequence of lies, greed & cynicism of today.

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