2019, Here I Come!

I have a wonderful son in law who just became a U.S. citizen last year. One of the things I appreciate most about him is that he brings a different perspective to discussions about life, health, and especially money. For Christmas this year, he gifted me the book, “12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos” by Jordan B. Peterson (whom he admires). He vowed to pay me $60 or $5 per rule to read the book and write a reflection on each rule. So, my first resolution is to read and reflect on this book in 2019 and collect that $60.

My second resolution is to find a way to improve my sleep. I’m on a quest to sleep more than 5-6 hours a night, convinced that getting more sleep will help me lose more weight and improve my overall health. I’m open to suggestions because everything the experts have suggested thus far has had very little affect on me. I’m grateful that I don’t wake up sleepy and I don’t have trouble concentrating during the day. But sleep is essential to a healthy body and a healthy brain. Sleep is an important time of healing and restoration for the body and mind. I simply need more of it.

My third resolution is to pay off my daughter’s student loan this year. I took on the loan because of her ongoing health struggles that sometimes causes gaps in her employment. Too many deferments only caused the loan to grow over the years and I wanted to release her from this added burden. Financial planners don’t like it when people who should be saving for retirement take on their children’s debts. However, I’m on track with my retirement savings and taking on this debt really only meant not taking another vacation to a far away land for a few years. Besides that, I don’t like the terms of this loan. The interest rate is high at 5.125% and making extra payments below a certain amount does not go strictly reduce the principle. So, I will be happy to get rid of it this year.

My forth resolution is to put my heart and soul into the planning of our 2020 family reunion in San Diego, California. At our 60th reunion in Charleston, South Carolina this past July, I volunteered to host the reunion in California since it has been 20 years. My goals in taking this on are to strengthen the commitment of younger family members to continue the reunion tradition that my grandmother started, create more interaction and stronger connections between family members at the reunion, and to establish a digital information transition process to pass along to the next host. I’m looking forward to building a California host family team to work on the reunion. The creative juices are already flowing and my daughter and I began the work of developing our infrastructure during her holiday visit.

My fifth and final resolution is to continue to do my best everyday to: a) Love and show love to my family and friends; b) Contribute to society as a citizen of the country and world; c) Make healthy eating choices; d) Exercise 5 days a week; e) Save money; and f) Continue writing my blog.

Here’s to a very Happy New Year!

2 Replies to “2019, Here I Come!”

  1. My biggest resolution was conquered some years ago when I quit cigarettes. These days, I write out daily lists: what I want to do in the course of the day; things to think about doing in the coming days; calls, appointments, notes, letters, cards to be sent, things I need to buy or do when I go out. If I happen across a wonderful quote, a positive affirmation – I write that down, it sinks a bit deeper with each glance at my list. I hate to say it, but I got more done (& more sleep) when I was working than in retirement. Good luck on your resolutions & enjoy a soothing cup of Chamomile Tea at the day’s end. Happy New Year!

  2. Thanks for continuing the blog. Happy New Year. BTW, I took over and paid off my daughter’s loan. I’m glad I could help while I’m still alive.

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