Stunned by Impertinence

I wonder when it became okay for people to thumb their noses at common decency.  This week, I’ve found myself repeatedly feeling sick to my stomach every time I heard Trump speak about the Mueller investigation and how he has been totally exonerated and how those who accused him of wrong doing are deserving of punishment.  It makes me want to scream. 

I said last week that I didn’t need the results of the Mueller Investigation to inform my opinion as to whether or not Trump is guilty of wrong doing.  He clearly is.  Mueller didn’t exonerate him as he so loudly claims.  Mueller didn’t proclaim him innocent of all wrongdoing.  In fact, on the issue of obstruction of justice, Mueller didn’t pass any judgement, except to say that the President is “not” exonerated.  On the issue of conspiracy, I’m actually relieved that the Trump campaign’s underhanded conduct with the Russians didn’t rise to that level.  However, the campaign clearly knew that it was wrong to take so many secret meetings with the Russians during the campaign.  Otherwise, why did they keep lying about them?   

 I’ve grown weary of Trump’s impertinent and crass behavior.  I find it difficult to believe that any decent human being is okay with his constant lying, exaggerations, and ignorant claims.  He stands before crowds of people and spews the nastiest, most meanspirited, divisive things and the crowd cheers.  Who are these people?  Who were their mothers? Who were their teachers?  What wrong has this society done to them that they cheer on someone whose ideas and demeanor are so insolent?  We have a President with so little respect for the American people that he will steal away their healthcare with nothing to replace it.  He shamelessly separated children from their parents as a deterrent to families fleeing violence and abject poverty.  He allows industry to pollute our air and water and enacts deregulations that may eventually destroy our planet.  He ignores the science behind climate change as floods, draughts, and fires ravage our country and the world. He breaks every rule learned in Sunday School about how to treat others.  He even picks fights with dead war heroes. And still, these sad depraved souls will cheer him on at a rally. Is feeding xenophobia, packing are courts, and giving tax breaks to the wealthy really worth it?

There has to be a counter narrative.  Justin Timberlake wanted to bring sexy back.  Meghan Trainor wanted to bring boodie back.  I wish some artist would write a song about bringing decorum back.  We need a song about bringing the truth back.  We need a song about bringing science back.   But most of all, we need to get our nation back from the impertinent person occupying the highest office in the world.