The Mueller Testimony

On Wednesday, I got up early and watched both of the Mueller hearings. And to my disappointment, Mueller did exactly what he said he would do. He stuck to the written report. I was surprised that he wouldn’t even read from his own report, instead opting for the democratic representatives to read each passage in question. The whole hearing was both disappointing and enlightening. I was hoping that a more vocal and engaged Mueller would show up. That did not happen with the exception of his warning against current Russian efforts to undermine our 2020 election.

I, like most Americans, didn’t bother to read the full Mueller Report. I didn’t feel like I needed to read it since I can already see that Trump is a person who doesn’t belong in office. Upon his election, we already knew that he was a dishonest, tax-evading, draft-dodging, sex offending, thief whose criminal behavior is in plain sight. He acts impulsively and without a conscience to compel him to obey laws let alone adhere to morality and common decency. He shows with his tweets just who he is, so I didn’t need to read the Mueller Report to further convince me of his unfitness for office. But I wanted to watch the hearings to find out specifically what was alleged.

And now I know. And based on what I heard, it is evident to me that Trump did in fact obstruct justice and should be impeached. But it also became clear that the Republicans are in bed with Trump to the point that they are trying to skirt justice with attempts to divert attention away from Trump’s behavior to that of Mueller and the investigators. Mueller said too little in his own defense against ridiculous allegations and democrats ignored the Republican attempts at misdirection.

I’m doubtful that many Americans watched the hearings. My own husband didn’t bother. He’s already decided that he wants Trump out of office and he didn’t need the hearing to convince him of anything. But my husband, like too many Americans, hasn’t taken any action other than to to tell me how much he hates Trump.

After the hearings, I emailed both the Senate Majority Leader Nancy Pelosi and my congresswoman, Julia Brownley that I was convinced that Trump should be impeached after the hearing. I also expressed that I was for taking the investigation further to include financial crimes. I encouraged my Facebook friends to call or email their representatives because it is apparent that our representatives will not do anything until they hear from enough of us. They must be pushed to do the right thing.

On the way to Costco Friday, my husband commented that nothing is going to change with this Presidential situation–that we are stuck with him. I quickly pointed to Puerto Rico and the ousting of their governor. I said the people took to the streets for twelve days and basically shut down the country and he finally resigned. I reminded him that we can make things change when we decide we have had enough.

Trump is still in office because not enough of us have had enough. If there was a call to take to the streets to impeach him, I would take to the streets. Right now, there is only a call to let our representatives know how we want them to proceed. I for one, want a full House investigation that possibly leads to impeachment and I have said so.

One Reply to “The Mueller Testimony”

  1. I read the report (, in skim mode, but enough to see, even redacted, it’s shockingly complete, minus financial info & Putin interference specifics. 45 has basically stacked his DOJ deck & gamed the system in a way that the GOP sees as the way to meet their own power-game goals. Un-American, ugly tweets tend to indicate (to him) that he can & do anything he wants. Has to stop. I’ll hit the streets, seek (pray for) impeachment & hope for something that “BREAKS” his “base” also. 2020 will be too late.

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