Time to Ditch Mitch

There are very few people whom I truly dislike. But Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnel is definitely one of them. It is my observation that this 77 year old man is single-handedly destroying our nation and the lives of many people. Is he actually evil or disloyal to America? Or does he really see the issues so differently? Either way, for the good of the nation, I say it is time for the people of Kentucky to ditch Mitch.

McConnell is the longest serving U.S. Senator in Kentucky history, having been first elected to the Senate in 1984. He has been re-elected five times by the people there and is now the longest serving Republican leader of the Senate. However, I don’t believe history will be kind to him. My case against McConnell began when he refused to give Obama’s supreme court nominee, Judge Merrick Garland a hearing, arguing repeatedly that we were too close to an election. Now, with a grin on his face he admits that he would gladly grant a hearing to a Trump supreme court nominee before the 2020 election. He is absolutely shameless in his hypocrisy.

The level of his abhorrent behavior is even worse when I consider that he has been a shield for a law-breaking and utterly corrupt president Trump. If any other president had even hinted at some of the things Trump is doing on a daily basis, that president would have already been impeached. I’m disgusted that this one person stubbornly stands between a nation’s need for justice and competency and a corrupt and obviously inept president. Imagine if Obama acted like Donald Trump? McConnell wouldn’t hold back for a moment. This is worse than hypocrisy; this is actually damaging to our nation and its reputation in the world. But there is much more to hold against McConnell.

The only person preventing the passing of reasonable gun regulations that 90% of Americans favor is “Massacre Mitch”. Even in the face of mass shooting after mass shooting, he refuses to bring the gun legislation to the Senate floor. The House of Representatives passed gun legislation and he refuses to even consider it for a Senate vote. What is he thinking? Who is he protecting? And why?

And finally, “Moscow Mitch” refuses to protect our elections against foreign influence. He wants Trump re-elected for some unknown reason. Perhaps he and Trump have some secret plan with Putin to rule the planet together. Or perhaps he is a white nationalist who wants these guns in the hands of white nationalists to carry out some secret plot to eliminate Jews, people of color, and immigrants. Or perhaps he has committed some horrible act and is being blackmailed to keep it all secret. Whatever the case may be, something is terribly wrong with this man. His stance on guns, Trump, and election protections are all harmful to Americans and they undermine our democracy. History will reveal his actual motives. But the time to rid ourselves of this dangerous man is now.

So, citizens of Kentucky, if you are paying any attention, it is time to ditch Mitch in 2020.

One Reply to “Time to Ditch Mitch”

  1. Total Agreement. He has Putin-related-Aluminium Funded “Jobs” in Kentucky, sadly voters who know nothing more than his name, will continue to vote Mitch. 45’s lawlessness is carving paths for others who seek $$$ from like-minded donors, foreign sources & power brokers with $$$ influenced goals, all ready to line his pockets. Sad for America, but hopeful for the youth vote who view the future with a desire for much better!

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