Change is Stressful

In the past year and a half, my department at work has undergone major changes in personnel and operating procedures. Two people left rather than deal with the changes. Others have been in a perpetual state of stress. And just this week, my closest work companion of the last ten years announced that she was going on medical leave until January because the stress was too much given her ongoing medical condition. I understand and fully support her decision. But now I am left with the added stress of doing her job and mine for an undetermined amount of time. I’m thinking about how to manage it all and remain sane.

I acknowledge that upon hearing her news I reacted in unproductive ways, doing some things that will prove counterproductive if I allow myself to continue. I went to bed later. I stopped my normal early morning exercise routine, opting to stay in bed and try to sleep a little longer. And I ate a lot of the bad comfort food that you purchase in a drive through. None of these behaviors will ultimately help me; in fact they will only add to my stress and worsen my ability to be productive. But they were my way of coping with the immediate emotional distress that I was feeling. I forgive myself for that human response and I vow to treat myself better.

So, with the four days of transition completed with calendars, accounts, student groups, responsibilities, and office keys turned over to me, Monday will be the start of a whole new work life. This weekend will be my restart although I found myself in yet another drive through yesterday for lunch. Back to normal sleep hours, 5 days of early morning exercise, a walk at lunch and no more fast food or sugar starting today. I put some things in place at work to help me better manage the calendar of things to do, but it’s going to be difficult and I will need to press others in the office to take on more tasks.

Change is difficult for most of us. It causes stress no matter who you are. But what matters most is how we handle it. I have always chosen to see change as an opportunity to learn more and to grow. I have a personality that tends to welcome challenge. However, I realize that my mind, body and attitude must be in sync to handle the challenging changes that will continue to present themselves. If my mind is overwhelmed, my body is unhealthy, or my attitude is negative then I won’t be equipped to handle change and I’ll need to find the fastest way out of the situation to survive. Change is a part of life and evokes a flight or fight response. At this moment, I choose to stay and fight but I don’t blame anyone who chooses to flee.

Given the change I’m facing starting tomorrow, I’ll have to do everything possible to keep my mind sharp, my body healthy, and my attitude positive if I am going to make lemonade out of this lemon of a change.

One Reply to “Change is Stressful”

  1. Paying forward thoughts of strength & comfort, as needed, for all concerned. I’m adjusting to a new computer & a keyboard with a mind of it’s own & too many keys I just do not use. There are no ads anymore. I need more clicks in some programs, only one in others. I must transfer photos & precious music over to the new. I’m an old dog learning new tricks. I wish you well, as you move forward. Personally, I think you will do well. Just breathe.

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