My Choice Today for the Democratic Ticket

I had a great conversation with my son this week following the democratic debates. He’s a millennial so I was expecting him to be for Sanders or Warren, but he wasn’t. He was for Andrew Yang and strongly against Joe Biden and Tulsi Gabbard. And his reasons were sound except when it came to Buttigieg whom he disliked at a gut level. It got me thinking that I really needed to do more policy research along with an examination of my own gut feelings about these candidates. What follows is who I’m supporting today. And my preferences have shifted since the last time I wrote about this.

A while back I was all in for Michael Bennett for president. I even donated to his campaign. I still like him a lot, but I believe we need a presidential nominee who has a fighting chance at actually winning the election and he simply isn’t gaining enough momentum to win the Democrat nomination. There are a few others that I would put in that same category but who I would be happy to see as Vice President along with Bennett: Booker, Buttigieg, Castro, Harris and Klobuchar.

At this moment, I’m no longer in favor of Biden, Warren, nor Sanders for president. Biden seems too feeble at times and I’m not thrilled with the issues surrounding his son’s foreign business dealings even though he technically did nothing illegal. While I like Warren and would wholeheartedly support her if she were the nominee, I think her ultra liberal policies would throw too many voters toward Donald Trump. And even if she were elected, I don’t believe she could get any of her big ideas past Congress. And as for Sanders, I’m not just vary because of his recent heart attack, but his policies are too left for me and ultimately wouldn’t get pass Congress either.

Additionally, the presidency is a high stress job and both Biden and Sanders don’t seem up to it in my opinion. They already show all the signs of age-related decline. Reagan was in mental decline and they kept his condition from us until after he left office. I don’t want history to repeat itself. However, I must admit that Warren appears to be in exceptionally good mental and physical health and so I’m not as concerned with her age. But even still, I do feel it’s time to move to the younger generation.

So, in this moment, I am leaning toward Amy Klobuchar, the senator from Minnesota. I agree with her policies. She is from the mid-west, has a working class upbringing, appears to have integrity, and she won’t scare off more moderate voters who could be pushed towards Trump if Sanders or Warren were our nominees. She’s a pragmatist who wants to get things done that can actually be passed through Congress. I think she can stand up to Trump simply by her intelligent and dignified presence. She doesn’t bring the baggage Hillary had. Her likability is high. But she isn’t all that exciting and her support would need to skyrocket to win the nomination. So, to build the excitement, I would pair her with either Senator Cory Booker or Mayor Pete Buttigieg.

Booker would bring the fire, forthrightness, and fight to her ticket. Together, I think they would be impossible to beat. He is intelligent, energizing, and represents the urban parts of the country. Buttigieg, although another mid-westerner, brings the ability to explain things in a clear and concise manner. He makes great arguments with a level of articulation that is impressive. He’s also a veteran and gay. Both Booker and Buttigieg have executive experience, having served as mayors. They would be a great asset to any candidacy and are young enough to again become future presidential candidates.

If Joe Biden were to secure the nomination, then I would pair him with Senator Harris. She brings youth and leadership ability and a sense that she could take over if needed. She will sharpen his message on issues and help him with the duties of president as well as giving him cover on women’s issues. Another good running mate would be Amy Klobuchar for the same reasons. Given his past history where he could be vulnerable on his behavior towards women, he needs a female running mate.

If Elizabeth Warren pulls off the nomination, then she would need to be paired with either Bennett, Buttigieg or Julian Castro who will each bring her down to earth a bit in the minds of voters with their pragmatic outlooks and calm demeanor.

There is still so much to consider and I truly like all of our candidates. But only two can people will make up our democratic ticket. My first choice today is a Klobuchar-Booker ticket. But the next debate might change that. This is why I hope Americans are paying attention.

In the last presidential election, 42% of eligible voters didn’t vote. And look what that got us. In the words of the late (and very great) Senator Elijah Cummings, “We are better than this”. Rest in peace, Senator Cummings, and may we live up to the promise of our democracy as you admonished us.

One Reply to “My Choice Today for the Democratic Ticket”

  1. I love Amy, she is a long shot, though. Pete is closer, but the elders need to step back. Cory made his mark with me following Hurricane Sandy. He was impressive then & now. I’m still gathering the info that matters to me & noting how they react to it. I like the idea of mixed older/younger, male/female — race or orientation does not factor with me. Keeping my mind open, I’m still not settled. This has not been boring. Good analysis. Have a good week.

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