Thanksgiving Discussion

Thanksgiving in my early adulthood was spent in pleasant debate with my brothers over every issue imaginable. While others might have watched these Thanksgiving scenes in horror, we were actually having a great time interrogating each other’s arguments, sometimes loudly, but always in good humor. Those days have been replaced by something decidedly different. For starters, now I’m the cook and usually only a minor player in the dinner discussions. But not this year.

Instead of lively debate which my son and son-in-law might have engaged in had my son been able to come for Thanksgiving, I became the push back to my son-in-law’s musings about democracy, free markets, over-regulation, privacy rights, and government intrusion on our freedoms. I’m in the enviable position of loving not only my children, but their spouses as well. As a result, I greatly value these discussions and am grateful to have a small role in helping to shape attitudes or at least challenge existing attitudes and to have my own attitudes challenged in the process. As a naturalized citizen, my son-in-law is passionate about the United States and freedom.

My greatest take away from our discussion is that none of us can become complacent with corruption in our society. Corruption is the dishonest abuse of the public trust for personal gain. We can’t afford to become so cynical as to believe that all of Washingtion is so corrupt that we should simply ignor what is going on. The reality is that we will have the government we are willing to demand and fight for. If we fail to hold politicians accountable for their corrupt actions then we will completely lose a government that works on behalf of people and instead we will have a government that serves only the rich and well connected.

Now is not the time to turn a blind eye to the corruption of this president and his administration. It is time to uphold the rule of law. Is what Donald Trump did: withholding public funds for the defense needs of an ally until that ally did him a personal favor an impeachable and removable offense? Hell yes! If we look the other way and do nothing, then the United States will become no different from the corrupt country my son-in-law fled.

This Thankksgiving I’m thankful for family, real discussion over good food, and for a country that might just uphold the rule of law. I’ll be watching the new set of hearings this week. It is our collective democracy to keep. Happy Thanksgiving.

One Reply to “Thanksgiving Discussion”

  1. I live in a nest of Trumpers, grateful NOT to get into “the discussion” (there is no discussion-should anything be said that messes with their avoidance of reality-they change the subject or clam up) as it interferes with rare visits of far-flung family. Like it or not, unless they hit the mute button, they hear about the, “it topic” of the moment on the (not FOX) news. If they ask, I explain & source my info. I’m, also, the only one who votes. Is that a good thing? I think it bothers them that HE is not what they thought he was. My hunch, do they think they got conned? Maybe. In my home, ignorance is bliss. When they ask, they know I care, that is when they will listen, I just can’t push it. Happy Shopping.

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