This was an incredibly bad week for our nation as the very fabric of who we have actually become was exposed. This week the rule of law, truth, common decency and even our sense of what is fair, good, and right were literally thrown out like garbage. Justice was not served. Even Christian values were openly mocked by a man who is vindictive, volatile, and vulgar. It was difficult to stomach. But at the same time, his approval ratings reached an all time high of 49%. The decision for Americans in 2020 is about what our values will be moving forward. This is our year to decide who we are and what we care about. My revulsion at what I witnessed this week exposed my values as an American.
First, I recognized just how deeply I care about truth and actual facts. I care about accurate facts and truths because they are the foundation upon which consequential decisions should be made. As a rational human being I rely upon what I believe to be factual and truthful information to inform my responses to issues like climate change, my health, and who I vote for. Having a president who perpetually lies and covers up the truth is dangerous to voters and to policy makers. I watched this president lie about wanting to protect pre-existing conditions in his State of the Union speech when at the same time behind the scenes his administration is in court to get rid of it. He said he would forever protect Social Security and Medicare when the week before he said he was considering cuts. He lied about the Obama economy that created more jobs than his economy. He completely ignores a deficit that has reached 23 trillion dollars because of tax cuts and doesn’t mention cuts in food stamps for the poorest among us. But people, believing these lies and never hearing the truth, will vote for him to their own detriment.
The second thing I recognized is how frightened I am for our nation because of a man who is so vindictive and volatile that those around him have to be extraordinarily courageous to expose his corruption. Senator Mitt Romney bravely held onto his convictions by voting to remove Trump from office this past week. He is now being publicly ridiculed not only by Trump, but by the GOP and their media outlets for trying to hold this president accountable for obvious wrongdoing. Colonel Vinmen who testified under oath about what he heard, and even his brother, were fired. And so was the Ambassador to the European Union, Gordon Sundland, who also testified as to the corruption he witnessed. The failure of the Senate to conduct a fair trial and to hold Trump accountable for what they know were impeachable offenses is frightening for the rule of law moving forward. They allowed him to take away Congressional oversight of the executive branch of government. That leaves our whole nation vulnerable to the corrupt and self-serving whim of this vulgar man.
And finally, I recognized just how dismayed, deeply disappointed, and even disgusted I am by Americans who continue to support this president in the face of his lies, corruption, brutality, volatility and vulgarity. In 2016, some Americans just wanted to blow things up in Washington and so voted for Trump. Well he did blow things up. Like when he separated children from their parents at the border. Like when he pardoned a war criminal. Like when he abandoned the Iran Nuclear Deal. Like when he awarded Rush Limbaugh, a known and outspoken racist, the Medal of Freedom. Like when he openly mocked Christ’ admonition to love your enemies. Like when he says he has never needed to ask for forgiveness. Like when he threw out regulations to protect our water and air. Like when he hid the scientific evidence about climate change. Like when he started tariff wars? Like when he gave tax cuts to the wealthy and corporations who instead of raising wages, bought back stock and blew up the deficit. Like when he cut food stamps for the poor. Like when he referred to poor nations as “shit hole” countries and added more countries to his banned list this week. Like when he keeps appointing barely qualified federal judges who will make life hell for gays, women, immigrants, and minorities moving forward. Like when he mocks people with disabilities.
Americans of good will must really ask themselves if any of us are better off? Is our nation a better place? Are we kinder to each other or meaner? Does the rule of law matter for government leaders? Has the swamp been drained or are the swamp creatures running wild with impunity? Are there fewer mass shootings or more? Are our climate and environmental issues being addressed or ignored to our peril? Do our children and grandchildren have honorable role models in government? Do more people have access to affordable healthcare or fewer? A few people have a lot more money, but most people in this country have less given inflation because wages are growing far too slowly. A few depraved people feel happy that immigrants, religious minorities, gays, and people of color are being targeted and mistreated. A few angry people just want to stick it to anyone and everyone without thought as to how this man is actually hurting them and the nation. Do we want to continue to wake up to a new disaster every morning because of this president’s volatility? Is the fear of vengeance the way we want our lawmakers make decisions? Is vulgarity the norm we want to embrace as our national character?
The 2020 election will reveal who we truly are as a nation. I’ll be voting for anyone who isn’t a lying, corrupt, and depraved human being. My vote will be against vindictiveness, volatility, and vulgarity. So, that means I will definitely not be voting for Donald J. Trump.
You said it all & beautifully. You speak for so many. For the most part, I’ve had moments, but mostly I have been too stunned to cry for the unique ugly this era has become ~ but ~ Mitt made me misty, so eloquent his words. I nearly openly wept, while listening to Lawrence O’ Donnell, on “The Last Word”, this week. His simple comments about faith, love & those who lack the experience of both, such as our 45th President, helped me to remember what my faith & love is about. Vile fantasies may be fun, but it’s not who I want to be. It’s not what America is either. I will vote for Dem, whoever gets the nod, but never, ever, Trump. I will pray for him, Mitt, all those whose reputations have been “Trumped” & for all of us, who still love America. She’s worth it.