A Pivot in 2021

I agree with many that 2021 got off to a rocky start with thousands ill or dying from COVID-19, an insurrection aimed to destroy our democracy, and a dismal economic outlook for many. But then January 20th happened and a new administration was inaugurated. I actually felt an emotional and mental shift as I listened to Lady Gaga sing the national anthem, and marveled at the magic of poet laureate, Amanda Gorman, and then bathed in the Biden address itself. By the end of the ceremony, I felt optimistic that our republic was on the road to recovery and that I had awakened from a terrible nightmare that lasted four long years.

There is positivity in the air. There is optimism. There is truth. There is humanity and respect. There is a sense of decency, caring, and competence from our leadership that has been absent and has been missed for too long. I feel lighter. It’s as though a weigh has been lifted from my chest.

In the midst of this relief, I realize that there are people who are afraid of Biden and the Democrats. A large segment of our society have been fed a steady diet of lies that democrats run child sex rings, are all socialist or communists who want to take away their freedom, kill babies, and destroy their heterosexual marriages. Some are just now realizing that they were duped by these conspiracy theories. I heard that many were dismayed that Biden was actually inaugurated after repeated promises that Trump would remain president. Many who stormed the Capitol are shocked that they are not being hailed as heroes, but as domestic terrorist who are not going to receive pardons from the man who sent them there. For them, the nightmare has just begun. Some have lost jobs, family, and friends and one 36 year old zealot lost her life.

The work of restoring our country to be better than we were before falls upon each of us who can see and appreciate the diversity of our nation. And it was some of those diverse individuals like secretary of states and election officials who held their ground by standing up to presidential pressures to cheat. It was people like Stacy Abrams who successfully lead voter turnout efforts in Georgia, or the Capitol policeman, Eugene Goodman, who stealthily led insurrectionists away from the senate floor who became heroes of democracy. But it falls upon us to truly value democracy by honoring the vote and ensuring that voting is widely accessible rather than restricted by voter suppression schemes. The work of “building back better” will take patriots who not only understand the constitution and the working of our government, but who demand the truth, demand justice for all, and demand liberty. We must all work together to promote the general welfare by wearing masks, being environmentally conscience in our decision making, and by getting vaccinated.

It feels great to once again have an actual adult in the White House who has the intelligence, fortitude, and character to lead our nation. I hope Trump supporters can see and feel the difference a day can make. I have hope that they will turn away from the plethora of lies they have feasted on for four years and become true patriots. As the vaccine rolls out, the economy recovers, and Trump is prosecuted for his crimes, I have hope for our nation in 2021. This will be the year we pivot towards a better version of ourselves.