The War for Decency

My husband couldn’t sleep last night. When I asked him what was wrong, he explained that the despicable behavior of the Republicans had finally gotten to him. He was distraught over their dismissal of Trump’s incitement of insurrection, the continuing lies, and over the inability of law abiding Americans and Democrats to hold them accountable. The one word we could agree upon to describe the behavior of Republican leaders like Kevin McCarthy, Senator Josh Hawley, and new congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene was “depravity”.

These folks (and others) are representative of human beings who have a platform despite being morally corrupt, perverted, mean-spirited, and shameless. The sad part is that we see how everyday decent human beings can be gradually brainwashed by charismatic leaders who repeatedly lie, demonize others, fear monger, and threaten the ruin of those who openly oppose them. In the Republican Party, decency was silenced for too long. There simply were not enough courageous Republicans to publicly challenge the constant barrage of conspiracy theories, perversions, and lies from the liars in their party and in their party media. And now they are losing the war between decency and depravity.

As it stands right now, a decent human being who values the Constitution, democracy, and our actual freedoms, who values the truth, who cares about the poor and justice, who values science, and who actually understands that wearing a mask in public is for the welfare of the collective, shouldn’t remain a Republican. That party has left decent human beings on the sidelines in favor of a kind of moral depravity where freedom means being a Christian, not freedom of religion to be Muslim or Jewish or atheist. It is a party that is actively working in states to strip the vote from people of color. It is a party that promotes false accusations without any actual evidence. It is a party that has no answer for health care, no remedy for the economy except to give hefty tax cuts to the wealthiest among us, demonizes immigrants, and oppresses women and minorities with its policies. At this moment in time, they meet the definition of perversion and depravity. And they are willing and able to kill innocent people based on lies and a perversion of freedom, democracy, rule of law, and the Constitution itself. Their willingness to execute lawmakers without a trial is a throwback to the southern lynching of black people. They are filled with “unrighteous” anger because it was anger fueled by lies and they are dangerous people because they have guns.

However. I slept just fine. I had vented my disgust at Congressional minority leader McCarthy over his deplorable behavior and over Congresswoman Greene in a faxed letter on Friday. I had emailed Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi on the need to hold liars accountable with truth hearings about the 2020 election and a host of other conspiracies. I responded to a Facebook posting that was perpetuating hate through false accusations. I’m committed to doing my part to defeat the depravity that has taken root.

There is a Bible verse that says, “Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.” I’ve made a commitment to be good and to do good. Silence in the midst of injustice and evil is not doing good. Jesus taught us this Himself when He overturned the tables of the money changers. I will wear a mask in public because that is what it means to “love my neighbor as myself”. I will treat people with dignity and respect in my words and actions. I will expose lies when I hear them. I will demand evidence from those who make accusations about others. I will vote for leaders who stand up for actual freedom, for democracy, for evidence backed truths, for science, and for social justice. That’s what I can do. I hope others who are the directly and negatively affected by lies will follow the example of Dominion (the maker of the voting machines) and sue the perpetrators for millions or billions of dollars.

In reality, the major battle will be among the Republicans themselves. The decent Republicans versus the depraved Republicans. The winners will retain the title of Republican and the losers will become independents or form a new party. I heard in the news that many have left the party and that some high profile GOP donors like Jacob Monty are exiting too. I hope that we as consumers will boycott companies like “My Pillow” that support depraved Republicans, much like Americans boycotted South African businesses over the issue of apartheid.

However this war plays out, at this moment in time there is a window of opportunity for Democrats to deal with COVID-19, the economy, immigration, healthcare, voter rights, climate change, and of course, the trial of Donald Trump. So much to do, but at least we are blessed not to have a depraved party in charge of doing it. I’m thrilled that the Senate is also in our hands.

One Reply to “The War for Decency”

  1. I relate to your husband’s inability to drift off to sweet sleep these days. What keeps me awake? Were it not for Covid19, I would go to all of my favorite restaurants ~ sadly, they are gone now. I would fly SW Airlines to see my friends & family in another state, just once more. A friend of 47 years just passed from cancer. Covid 19? A few friends have it, will recover eventually, a friend’s brother-in-law is #48 in line for mortuary services, only one (1) pal over 70 has been vaccinated. I hate leaving my house. That educated people believe Q & 45 falsehoods. I hurt for those they hurt. So, I cry, I recover, pray more prayers & take more naps. Biden & Harris are decent people. They give me hope in the War on Decency. I’m 70 ~ I hope we win soon.

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