The Common Good

I was scrolling through Tik Tok the other day and ran across a tearful young black father of three whose wife was in the hospital battling COVID-19. He was asking for prayers and a miracle to save her life. I stopped scrolling and offered up a prayer. But soon thereafter, I became frustrated with and disappointed in the human condition that leaves us vulnerable to preventable hardships like what was unfolding for this young family. We occupy this world together and the decisions we make and how we live our lives affects others. Our forefathers recognized this when they wrote the insightful preamble to our Constitution. The responsibility we have as citizens to maintain a balance between the common good and individual liberty makes me happy but also frustrates me.

The preamble reads: “We the people, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, ensure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty for ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this constitution of the United States of America.” The preamble is simultaneously aspirational, directional, specific, and inspirational. It recognizes the that we are not perfectly united, but that is the direction we must head.

But let’s be real. Clearly, the goal of our nation to establish justice has not been fully realized as we continue to allow the poor and people of color to be over-policed, to receive harsher judicial sentences, to be under educated, and to allow crimes against them to be under-investigated. The injustice is evident when our media makes the disappearance of a white female the subject of national news when black females account for 1/3 of women who go missing and we rarely hear about them. The fact that we continue to allow known criminals like Donald Trump to go unprosecuted while black and brown men rot in jail or die at the hands of police for petty crimes, speaks volumes about our failure to establish justice. We the people must do better by electing better lawmakers who in turn make laws and appoint judges.

Another goal is to ensure domestic tranquility. Tranquility comes when we are all moving in the same direction because we have the same facts from which to make rational decisions. We need to rely on fundamental scientific facts. We need to rely on imperial data. We need to agree that the sky is blue, the earth is round, that we humans are one species, and that germs and viruses exist. A free press was supposed to deliver us reliable information. However, when fundamental truths become infected by speculation, misinformation, and lies for political power, financial gain, or religious persuasion, then our domestic tranquility moves toward divisiveness and away from tranquility. We’ve been here before when domestic tranquility has been disrupted. It was when the actual humanity of black slaves came into question. At that time it took a civil war to resolve that issue, but we are still grappling with the truth of black humanity as seen this past week by the treatment of Haitians at our southern border. We are also grappling with lies about this last election that will make it harder for we the people to vote.

When it comes to providing for the common defense, we have gone a bit overboard by creating the most well-funded and powerful military in the world. However, I don’t believe the founders intended for us to arm private militias that can overthrow our government under the guise of the 2nd Amendment. I believe the 2nd Amendment was meant for the common defense as it says, “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.” Of course, this viewpoint has been pre-empted by the capitalistic gun lobby, hate groups, and right wing Republicans. And as a consequence, we live with the daily carnage of mass shootings in schools, grocery stores, churches, work places, and movie theaters. This free access to guns does the opposite of leading to domestic tranquility and promoting the general welfare.

But returning to our legitimate military, I think they have been tasked to do more than provide for our common defense; they are sent to police the world using our tax payer dollars. I’m for supporting other countries with soft diplomacy, not military force unless we are threatened. For example, I’m glad our military is out of Afghanistan, but I’d like us to provide the aid Afghanistan desperately needs to survive only if the Taliban provides safety and equal rights for women and safety to those who aided Americans in the past. Without these guaranteed safeguards there should be no foreign aid.

The role of the government as laid out by this preamble is to promote the general welfare. Can we acknowledge that human beings left to their own devices will sometimes act selfishly in ways that harm others? I’m thankful to live in a country where we can fight over the issue of individual rights versus the common good, but it can be counterproductive, too. Some countries don’t leave this up for debate, so their response to a public health crisis is swifter and often more effective. When it comes to COVID-19, I think it is past time for our government to put its foot down and as a matter of the general welfare, mandate masks and vaccines. The science is clear on the matter and reasonable people understand that individual liberty ends when there is a strong likelihood that individual reckless behavior will harm others. We put in mandates against drunk driving, against smoking in public spaces, and against falsely screaming fire in a crowded space. There should also be laws against spreading false lies about elections, about health issues, and false remedies. We have libel and defamation laws to protect individuals from false accusations. But it is high time to create laws against knowingly creating and spreading false information that is detrimental to the general welfare and undermines our system of government. These laws should be particularly targeted at public officials and those who hold public trust positions like doctors and the news media.

Was it intentional that the writers of the preamble made personal liberty last? I think so. It makes perfect sense that it is only after we have secured our common good that the writers of the preamble added the security of the blessings of liberty for ourselves and our posterity. Those blessings can only be enjoyed after the common good has been attended to. Otherwise, if we allow personal liberty to take priority over the common good, we will all end up in tears like the young black man on Tik Tok.

The Same Evil Spirit

I was struck by former President Bush’s characterization of Trump insurrectionists as being possessed by the same evil spirit as the 9/11 attackers. As a lifelong Christian who spent several years attending an evangelical church in the 1980s and early 1990s, I understood what he was saying. I witnessed with my own eyes how the church steadily became fertile ground for the Republican Party to create its own zealous army. I saw the first breakthrough in my church when one prominent member became political.

I recall listening to his provocative proclamation that America was a Christian nation. He said that the founders were all Christians. He claimed that America was chosen by God as a beacon of light for the nations. He claimed that there was really no such thing as a separation of church and state. Then, he also said that our nation was in danger of God’s judgement if we allowed the sins of abortion and homosexuality to continue.

Gradually pastors began to take up the conservative cause primarily using the old testament scripture, “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land. ” (2 Chronicles 7:14) This scripture became a call for national salvation as opposed to personal salvation. Jesus did not teach a national salvation or that God was still in the business of judging nations. Scriptures like, ” For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them.” (Psalms 139:13-16) were used to argue that abortion was murder. And multiple scriptures against homosexuality were invoked, especially how God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah because of it.

As churches became more active in their support of Republican candidates and its agenda to “save” America from God’s judgment, I was learning more in graduate school about American and world history. I was learning about other worldviews and I was learning to think critically about ideas presented to me in the media, from the lectern, and from the pulpit. I came to reject the core ideas behind the move to “save” America as the history of America itself belied the notion that this was in fact a Christian nation, that it was ever a Godly beacon of righteousness, and that the founders were all Christians. I saw the horrifically bloody history of state mandated religions and the historical folly of violently forcing one group’s religious rules onto non-believers. I also started reading scripture with a more critical eye. It is no wonder that conservatives have raged war on Universities and now on critical race theory. The truth, critical thinking, and even common sense are a threat to the nonsense they are promoting.

I finally recognized that the scriptures evangelicals pointed to against abortion didn’t support their stance of murder of a living soul, but that abortion was the interruption of a body being formed in the womb, an occurrence that more often happens naturally in the form of miscarriage. I recognized that immorality wasn’t limited to sexual behaviors, but included lying, idolatry, and greed. And most importantly, the only judge and punisher of these immoral behaviors was God and that on an individual scale, not a national one. In this all out effort to “save” America from abortion and homosexuality, evangelical Christians pretty much abandoned the gospel of Jesus Christ that calls for personal salvation, love of neighbor, the stranger, and our enemies. Jesus called for generosity, kindness and hospitality to the poor, immigrants, imprisoned, and distressed. The Republican Party platform represents the opposite.

Evangelicals would do well to listen to these words spoken by Jesus, “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22 On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ 23 And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’. Matthew 7:21-23 What law did they break? The law that Jesus Himself gave us: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’ and ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.'” Luke 10:27.

It has become apparent to most onlookers that the evangelical Christian community no longer operates from a place of love, but a place of political ambition, idolatry, and tyranny based on a corrupted notion of following Christ. Their idea of freedom has been distorted to include their freedom to carry guns, to be xenophobic, to be homophobic, to go unmasked during a pandemic, to ignore climate change science, to prevent democrats from voting, and to force their interpretation of narrow pieces of the Bible onto others. They have embraced lying, cheating, meanness, and especially the liar who leads the Republican Party. They willingly fight to limit the human and constitutional rights of others, unwittingly misinterpreting both the Bible and the Constitution.

Republican strategists did a good job picking vulnerable segments of society to use as their army to strengthen their political aspirations. They picked people who were primed to believe what they are told without evidence. They picked people who were primed to believe that the person standing in the pulpit is God’s representative. They picked people who were primed to believe that they have the lock on godliness, when in reality they have become possessed by the same evil spirit that has lead to bloodshed and heartache throughout the human history. Combining white supremacy groups with evangelical Christians, the Republicans, lead by Trump, have forged a very dangerous coalition that is no different from Hilter and the Nazis, ISIS, Al Kaida, or the Taliban. As Bush said, they are possessed by the same evil spirit.

My prayer for my evangelical brothers and sisters is that they will allow the truth to free their minds and their bodies from the evil spirts who are leading them astray as sheep to the slaughter. Who of their family and friends is brave enough to expose them to history, a critical read of the Bible, and a run through of the Constitution? If no will speak the truth to them, then another civil war is in our future.

When Grief Strikes

Anyone who lives on planet earth for a period of time cannot escape the grief that accompanies the death of a loved one. For many of us this pandemic has challenged our capacity to process grief as funeral gatherings can become super spreader events. I’m deep in the feels and mental state of grief right now. On Friday I received an email about the death of a beloved sorority sister who had not publicly disclosed the depth of her illness. The month before, a former student who had worked in my office from her freshman year through graduation fell to her death while free-climbing in Peru. And then, all week our media conjured up the images of 9/11 in preparation of the 20 year anniversary. Death is inevitable but how we handle grief varies from person to person.

I realized early on that if I choose to love people, I was also choosing eventual periods of grief. I determined for myself that loving others was the very essence of my existence and so I would love anyway and that I would give myself fully to those I love, knowing that the deeper that love, the harsher the grief. Admittedly, it is a risk that fills me with fear. And the only thing I truly fear in this life is the death of my loved ones. Given the inescapable tragedy of love and loss, I developed my own philosophy around death and a method for myself to deal with grief.

I’ll start with my philosophy. Admittedly, the better word would be mythology because philosophy is based on rational investigation and mythology is based on unproven beliefs. As an academic I prefer the word philosophy even though the things I tell myself and act on regarding the deceased are based on a collection of religious teachings, world views, and personal experiences. At the foundation of my belief is that we are souls residing in temporary, highly vulnerable bodies. I believe some people are new souls and others are older souls. I believe the soul is the lifeforce that never dies once it is breathed into existence by God. I tell myself that the soul of my loved ones continue on as either a part of that cloud of witnesses, in darkness awaiting judgement, or as a newborn human being. At times, I’m convinced that my soul was here before. I truly hope that when I leave this body this time that I get to become part of that cloud of witnesses. So, if this is what I believe, why is grief such a big deal?

Grief is about the living having to deal with the pain of losing an emotional and physical connection with a person we’ve grown attached to. I’ve decided to celebrate the passing of loved ones who have enjoyed a long life. After age 80 I only smile and feel a sense of gratitude for the presence of that person in my life and an appreciation for all they have experienced of life. I refuse to grieve the passing of people whose presence on earth has only caused pain and suffering to others. Admittedly, my “mental” pain is lessoned a bit when death means that a suffering loved one is no longer suffering. However, I can never escape the emotional grief caused by the premature death of decent people I love, even when their suffering has ended. Although it does not make grieving any easier, I’ve come to understand the roots of my grief and how to deal with it.

It starts with my belief that once a soul enters a physical body at birth it takes time to learn about oneself and the world, to develop capabilities within the limits of that body, to form social attachments, and to eventually contribute to society. Along the way, there is so much to experience and enjoy in the world. Early death short changes the potential for joyful life experiences, thwarts purpose, and robs loved ones of an important human connection. There is much satisfaction in finding and fulfilling purpose and experiencing life that when that process is cut short, it just feels so wrong. Part of my grief is empathizing with disappointment on behalf of the person who passed away and the other part is missing the connection with that person. Even if a soul returns, they will never again return to the same body. The genetics, the cultural society, the family situation will all be different and hence a different person will emerge.

So, today I am mourning the passing of my two friends who died too early as well as the innocent lives loss on 9/11. I’ve learned to allow myself time and space to process the thoughts and emotions that emerge. Sometimes the emotion is frustration. Sometimes it is anger. Other times it is just an aching sadness that causes a lump in my throat and uncontrollable tears. Sometimes the dead person appears in my dreams for a conversation. Often, it is a heartwarming memory of that person and a sense of gratitude for what they added to my life, what they contributed to society, what they did experience, and what they accomplished in their short lifetime. Sometimes, upon reflection of who they were, I adopt some of the positive aspects of their lives, making me a better person. And other times, I’ve taken on a mission to eradicate the tragic cause of their death so that fewer people will suffer from similar circumstances. And at times, I’ve had to forgive the person that caused the death by making a fatal decision. And yes, sometimes it is the dead person who has to be forgiven.

I’ve learned from the example of others not to attempt to short change grief by burying it, running away from it, or seeking revenge. The price paid for loving others is grief and it is a dreadful emotion that demands our time and attention and saps our energy. We must give it its due if we are to navigate it without getting stuck in the living hell that is resentment, depression, revenge seeking, or substance abuse.

For me, I’ve developed myths around death and life and I allow myself to feel what I’m feeling and to think what I’m thinking and to do what I believe needs doing. I allow myself these three things as part of the grieving process without time limits and without judgment. Love costs and the price we pay for loving someone may be grief.

Abortion in America

Just before I got married, I went to see my doctor to obtain a diaphragm to prevent pregnancy. We had plans to enjoy a few years together while establishing ourselves financially to start a family. I used my new diaphragm and felt confident that it was doing its job, so much so that it took five trips to the doctor for “indigestion” and “nausea” and my insistence that no, I couldn’t possibly be pregnant, for a doctor to finally say, “Let’s do a pregnancy test anyway.” And sure enough I was pregnant! Although, not in our immediate plans, we were happy about the news and happily welcomed our first baby girl. But not everyone who gets pregnant unexpectedly is in the emotional or financial or supportive network situation I enjoyed back in 1978. For those women, abortion was and should remain a viable option.

Admittedly, my attitudes about abortion have evolved. Back then I blindly followed the teachings from my conservative white evangelical pastors who were pro-life when it came to abortion, thinking like others today, that they were speaking on behalf of the Almighty. It took several sexual scandals and public moral failings among these men to disabuse me of this notion and I changed from being a follower of a pastor to a follower of Christ’ actual teachings. Among those changes in my belief system was about abortion.

I think it is a good thing that women today have better options to avoid pregnancy altogether, so I was shocked by the ridiculous Texas law that allows individuals to sue people whom they suspect of helping a woman obtain an abortion after 6 weeks of pregnancy. Huh? My first thought when I heard the news was anger at how intrusive the religious right and the Republicans in Texas are into the lives of women by insisting that women, whom they don’t even know nor care about, proceed with an unwanted pregnancy as if that is somehow a noble thing in support of human life. These so call “freedom loving patriots” are happy to force their beliefs on others without compassion nor critical thinking nor any thought to the freedom and lives of others.

It is widely known that giving birth is actually more life-threatening that surgical or medical abortion. And this is especially true in Texas. Close observers will note that nationally maternal deaths among Black women in particular is nearly 4 times higher than that of white women, and 10-17 times higher in the southern states like Texas. (The United States Maternal Mortality Rate Will Continue To Increase Without Access To Data | Health Affairs) One could easily argue that this isn’t a fight for the lives of the unborn, but an additional assault on the lives of black women who account for about a third of abortions in the country. Does anyone really believe that these white conservative lawmakers want to see a lot more black babies being born? I don’t.

I’ve made my view on abortion clear in past posts. To recap, I view life as beginning with breath and the ability of a fetus to take a breath. I believe the womb is a place of formation and that a fetus doesn’t become a living soul until the breath of life. In Bible scripture we read that it wasn’t until God breathed life into the body of Adam, which He had formed out of dust of the earth, that Adam became a living soul. It is likely true that the midwifes in the early days of our nation, most of whom were black women and who regularly performed abortions before white doctors literally drove them out of the profession, believed the same thing. The idea that life begins at conception is pretty new. And it really makes little sense. If these pro-lifers truly believed that, then they should be having funerals for every miscarriage a woman has. Do they even realize that between 10-20 percent of known pregnancies end in naturally occurring miscarriage? Many more women miscarry before they even know they are pregnant.

While I am outraged by this new law and the likelihood that it will spread to other Republican lead states, I realize that we can do a better job educating our daughters, granddaughters, nieces, cousins, and girlfriends about their alternatives so that surgical abortion isn’t even necessary in most cases. In this day and age, I won’t bother to make a case for abstinence. So, first, there is contraception. Yes, it sometimes fails, but for the most part, it is quite effective. Second, there is the Plan B pill for those unexpected sexual encounters. Plan B prevents pregnancy from happening in the event unprotected sex. Third, there are safe drugs to induce abortion if taken in the first eight weeks of pregnancy. The cynic in me says this new law benefits big pharma who will sell a lot more of these products.

It is necessary in the face of these draconian laws to preserve surgical abortion for those sad cases when the mother’s life is in danger or those rare cases of indecision due to changing circumstances or utter surprise. According to the CDC, abortion rates have been declining for years and that 92.2% of surgical abortions occur prior to 13 weeks gestation. That’s a good thing, but we can continue to do better if we educate and encourage the other women in our lives, particularly those in their 20’s who make up almost 58% of surgical abortions about the other options. It looks like denial, procrastination, immaturity, lack of access, and perhaps ignorance are the primary culprits that we should be addressing proactively so that we can collectively avoid an influx of unwelcome babies that we’ll all have to support.

And finally, to the religious pro-lifers who insist that abortion is murder and must be stopped at all costs, I would ask them to consider the lives of the young women involved, the fathers, and the innocent babies they are forcing to be born into circumstances that are far from ideal. These same legislators who restrict abortion also refuse adequate support for food, healthcare, childcare, and education, essentially condemning these women and their children to probable poverty. So, if care for life is really all that important, then please begin by 1) supporting sex education and contraception, 2) improving maternal care for black women, 3) ensuring adequate support resources, and 4) for all our sakes, get vaccinated and wear a mask in public and mandate the wearing of mask in schools.