Speaking Up

I spent a lot of time during my years in higher education encouraging students to believe that the campus and the world itself belonged to them too and that they had an obligation to use their voices to help shape these spaces into places they can thrive in. I was simply passing on the sense of agency I gained from several of my teachers and mentors. From these early influencers, I learned that it mattered whether or not I shared my opinion. I learned that one person can make a difference. I learned that silence was consent. And I learned that if you don’t try, you have already lost.

Over the years I had to repeatedly refute arguments like: “No one is going to listen to me” or “They’re not going to change their minds no matter what I say” or “I’m just going to mind my own business” or “I don’t want to make waves”. But the argument I hate the most to this day is “I don’t have time to be bothered.”

A former professor once told me that my voice and my vote is magnified because others remain silent. A political aide confirmed to me that politicians view each letter, email, or phone call they receive as representing many more opinions than just the person who wrote in or called. She explained how important it was to hear from constituents because it gave the lawmaker a clearer picture of what people wanted. She said that people had no idea how influential their voices actually are. I recall how some lawmakers have said that it is up to their constituents to push them to do the right things. Of course, dark money has entered the scene, giving corporations and the wealthy an added advantage to push their agenda. It means that it will take more of us to push for our concerns to be heard.

Last week, I mailed a letter to Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, expressing my heartfelt sentiments on current political issues. My thoughts were too lengthy to fit the allotted online email contact form, so rather than leave anything out, I went old school.

Mailing the letter

Below is the content of the letter:

January 11, 2022

Dear Senator Mitch McConnell and Senate Leaders,

I write this letter feeling dismayed, frustrated, confused, and in real fear for the future of our country.  How is it that the Republican Party has allowed itself to be taken over by a man who clearly puts his own fragile ego and personal pocketbook above our democracy?  As a student of history, I’ve watched how the Republican Party embraced this new demagogue, Trump, in much the same way the conservatives in Germany embraced Hitler, allowing lies and disinformation and scapegoating to divide that nation.  Is the Republican thirst of power so great that you are willing to burn down the country to secure it?  Or is your belief in white Christian supremacy so deeply engrained that you are willing to throw away democracy and the rule of law entirely?  To my eyes and the eyes of many in the nation, this is how it looks.  The constant lying by Fox News, Newsmax, and other conservatives in the interest of inciting violence in order to gain political power makes me genuinely worried for the future of my children and grandchildren.  A country where guns, misinformation, lies and scapegoating are promoted by leaders who know the truth leads to a violent and dangerous future for us all.  Trump Republicans are out of control, threatening elected officials from congress to school boards and everyday citizens with violence. 

The Republican political machine has eroded trust in elections, has ignored the rule of law, has become mean-spirited, and has shown itself to be cowardly in the face of a bully named Donald J. Trump. 

Your failure to impeach Trump twice when he was clearly in violation of his oath of office effectively demonstrated your Party’s willingness to make the legislative branch of government subordinate to the presidency.  This is not healthy for our nation and I believe you know it.

And now the Republican Party across the country is doing everything it can to make it more difficult for citizens to vote.  In addition, I can’t imagine how any reasonable person thinks we can have a fair election moving forward by placing partisan election officials in place who can overturn the will of the electorate if they don’t like the results.  There will be riots in the streets unlike anything we have seen.

I know you and most Republican officials know that there was no widespread voter fraud and that Trump loss the 2020 election.  And yet, your Party and your news organizations continue to lie about it in concert with Trump.  The record must be set straight for the sake of the country and our democracy.

The way forward is to become a Party with ideas that appeal to the American people, not a Party that strategizes to steal future elections.  No citizen should have to wait 9-11 hours to vote.  No citizen should be prevented from mailing in a ballot or dropping it off in a drop box.  Many citizens work and voting should be easier, not harder.  We know who our citizens are and when they are of voting age.  Why not pre-register every citizen to vote and send them a ballot directly? 

I’m writing to you and your Republican leadership in the hope that you will turn away from Trump and the destructive path your party has taken–a path away from our democracy and the rule of law and toward tyranny.  I implore you to find the courage to do what is right.  Find the courage to work for all Americans and to preserve our Constitution.  Please save our nation from men and women like Trump who desire power and wealth above all decency and humanity. Do what is your patriotic duty.  


Dr. Juanita Hall

Citizen of the United States of America

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