American Battle Fronts

On a personal level, I’m confident that I will thrive no matter which political party is in office because I’m old enough, wealthy enough, educated enough, heterosexual, cyst-gender, Christian, and I reside in a liberal part of California with easy access to voting and minimal physical threat from white supremacists. But I know this sense of safety isn’t true for many Americans and that motivates me to fight against an “American Taliban” that now holds the Republican Party hostage to their religious and white supremacist’s views of what America should be. To be clear, these fanatics are using the 2nd Amendment to arm themselves with high powered weapons of war in case they must overthrow the government itself should Republicans betray them. These dangerous people view the killing of innocents as collateral damage.

I am not personally threatened by Taliban inspired Republican attacks on women’s reproductive rights, LGBTQ rights, banned books, voting rights restrictions, or even climate change denial (since I’ll be gone before the world experiences the worst effects of it). Yet, I find myself ready and willing to fight on behalf of those who are threatened, especially my children and grandchildren. Years ago, I recognized and came to accept four of my strongest attributes. First, I’m an introvert. Second, I love learning and being knowledgeable. Third, I’m highly empathetic. And finally, I’m driven to pursue justice.

Within my personality and ability, I fight. I’m too much of an introvert to protest in the streets and I tried joining political action groups, but I’ve found them too exhausting. The exhaustion from being around groups of people has gotten worse over the years and I find myself dreading most gatherings. I think I’m one of the few who found the social distancing aspects of the pandemic kind of refreshing. I really enjoyed working from home and retired in part because I dreaded having to return to the office full time.

So, my activism as a bonified introvert consists primarily of solo actions like letter writing and emails to lawmakers and government officials and postings on social media to spread awareness on issues and to encourage voting. In addition, I donate to political campaigns and political activism groups. And I do what I can to protect the environment. I drive a hybrid, we have solar panels, conserve water, compost and recycle. What I don’t do is purchase a gun, although I’m seriously wondering if target practice is in my immediate future should civil war break out.

The point is, I care deeply about the future of my children and grandchildren, the country, and the planet. Even if I am not personally affected by the discriminatory and harmful policies of the Republican Party who are beholden to white supremacists and misguided evangelicals, I am determined to use my time, my energy, my ability, my lifestyle, and my vote to do battle on behalf of others who are threatened by those who seek to harm others for their own tyrannical impulses, monetary profit, and political power. I’m just hopeful that it doesn’t come to having to put my body on the line as well.

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