Accountability and Inescapable Justice

These days I have a harder time sitting through movies depicting the horrors of humanity. While I want to support the movie that records the horrific murder of Emmitt Till and the subsequent acquittal and then arrogant public admission of the perpetrators, I can force myself to see it. Even though that horrific event helped ignite the Civil Rights Movement, I can no longer pile on to this lifetime of witnessing man’s inhumanity to man. I certain that I have PTSD. However, it the deaths of young men like Emmitt Til and more recently, Travyon Martin and the acquittal of his murderer George Zimmerman and the many others since then that prompted me to write the following poem, seeking solace for my soul in the reminder of my hopeful (perhaps fanciful) belief that God, Karma, or the universe meads out its own justice for such heinous actions.

Please note that I paint like a five-year-old and write poetry like a 10-year-old. So, my poems tend to rhyme in couplets and are simply understood. In other words, it doesn’t take a degree in literature to understand what I’m trying to say. These thoughts often present themselves to me in rhyme and I simply write them down.

This poem and many others are available in 4″ x 6″ frameable prints in the Fully Present Better Human Project store. Proceeds from these poems and other promotional products help further the Project’s goal to reach more people with the message of being a better human.