Challenging Biden in 2024

It difficult for me to accept that Joe Biden and Donald Trump are basically tied in the polls. When I listen to people talk on C-Span or online, they are either staunch Trump supporters or merely tolerant of Biden.

I admit that since Biden announced his bid for re-election, I have been concerned about his advanced age. I admire his empathy and his policies, but I have huge misgivings about his motivation to run again. Is it hubris? Is it mistrust of the next generation? Is it ambition or ego? Is it lust for power? Or does he truly believe that he is the best man for the position because of his experience? Yes, to his credit he has experience, but he could die in office.

I’m also frustrated that we as the American people seem to have little choice over who can be a viable candidate for president. Why, in a country of 350 million people, are we stuck with two inarticulate old white men with questionable business dealings and sloppy handling of our government documents? It’s not like there aren’t plenty of younger, completely competent, energetic, compassionate, and articulate potential candidates waiting for their opportunity to run.

So, this week, I was happy to hear democratic Representative Dean Phillips announce his intention to run for president. Although he lacks name recognition and I had to research who he was and what he stood for, I think it is a great idea to have a robust primary for the 2024 Democratic nominee. So, I wrote to the Democratic National Committee to share my thoughts as a member of the Party. Here’s what I wrote using their contact us email address:

I was thrilled to hear that Rep. Dean Phillips is entering the race for president.  Although I think Biden has done an excellent job, I have been concerned about his advanced age for some time now and have been longing for a viable alternative from our Party. 

I’m frightened that Trump might win because of a very obvious lack of confidence in Biden’s ability to fulfil another term with the vitality and mental sharpness we desire in a president.  Although I admire his character and policies, he appears weak and a bit feeble as he stumbles over his words and walks like the elderly man he is.   

I think we need a robust primary so that a strong candidate can emerge who, like Obama, can capture the hearts, minds, and confidence of the American people.  The presidency is a stressful position and we need a brilliant and energetic younger person to fill that position.

I am a baby boomer myself and my peers are either dying all around me, are enjoying retirement, or are sick.  We have had our time to lead, and I believe it is time to pass the leadership torch to the next generation.   

I’m not certain who is actually pulling the strings in the Party, but I am pretty certain that the leaders are not paying enough attention to the concerns, fears, and consternation of the voting public regarding Biden’s age and the controversies surrounding his son and the government documents he had in his possession.  Because of these things, he is a deeply flawed candidate, and can easily lose the election to that immoral and criminal Donald Trump.   Just the fact that these two men are tied in the polls tells you that we have a huge candidate problem. 

As I listen to younger people, I am not at all assured that they will turn out to vote for Biden or Trump.  They are not happy with either candidate and so I am begging you to have a primary and to encourage President Biden to step away.  He has served the nation well and it is time to find other ways to continue his service.” 

We have arrived at a time in our nation where we can no longer afford to be silent. Yes, our vote is our voice. But so is our pen, our protest, and our pocketbook. We must use all of these tools at our disposal to make our desires crystal clear in the loudest manner possible to those who proport to represent us. They respond to numbers.

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