I Foresee Trouble Ahead

Throughout my life, I’ve utilized many of the proverbs I learned early in life as sound advice. One in particular fits the moment we are living in. Proverbs 27:12 states, “A wise man sees trouble and hides himself; the simple pass on and our punished.” That proverb is a call to notice warning signs presented to us and to act accordingly to protect ourselves, otherwise we will suffer negative consequences. As I consider the upcoming November election, I recognize signs of trouble ahead.

The first sign of trouble stems from the passionate and cult-like worship of Trump. Never in my entire life have I seen people in this country wave flags and clothe themselves in garments from head to toe in support of a political leader. They gather in rallies like they’re going to a church revival to listen to a man ramble and rant about nothing of actual substance to improve the nation or their lives. He feeds them a steady diet of fear, hate, insults, grievance, and promises of retribution and cruelty against their perceived enemies (immigrants and democrats) while lining his pockets, basking in their adoration, and trying to avoid prosecution his criminal acts. It’s not surprising that Trump says there will be a “blood bath” if he loses. He refuses to commit to conceding if he loses, so we must all be aware that his supporters are armed and will be enraged if he does lose–a dangerous combination. January 6, 2021 should remind us of what they are capable of. I predict that the days following a Trump election loss may be much worse. You won’t find me dancing in the street to celebrate a Biden win.

You also won’t find me at the polls on election day. I have been saying for weeks that Biden supporters should vote early or by mail to avoid MAGA chaos and intimidation at the polls on election day. Voting early or by mail will help ensure shorter election day lines, particularly in minority neighborhoods where there are fewer polls by Republican design. MAGA folks have proven their determination to win at all costs and I would not put anything past them. They will be watching the polls and some of them have volunteered as election workers. The brave among us must do the same. We need just as many election volunteers on our side to ensure a fair count. For fairness and safety, we should implore our county election officials to place additional law enforcement security around the polls and during counting. I’m thankful for surveillance cameras, and for this election, we should insist upon their presence during the entire process.

At this point, there is a good chance that Trump may win this election. I truly hope he doesn’t because I think his administration will destroy the reputation of our nation, will undermine any hope of addressing climate change, and will roll back the individual freedoms we enjoy. I read a synopsis of Project 2025. It provides a playbook for the dismantling and political reconstruction of the administrative state in order to turn this country into a Christian theocracy that lacks presidential accountability to the rule of law and criminalizes citizens who do not adhere to their theocratic laws. The authors of Project 2025 interpret liberty only within the framework of Christianity and reinterpret the “pursuit of happiness” to be the pursuit of “blessedness” that comes exclusively by adhering to God’s laws, explicitly banning abortion, gay marriage, and eliminating all training and adherence to the ideals of diversity, equity, and inclusion. Science takes second place to the Bible, the family is redefined, only ideological loyalists are retained and hired by government, and discrimination is legalized.

How does a person hide from a Trump or Project 2025 administration? Prepare now for a fascist government. Some will be best served by leaving the country for safety reasons. I advise others to move away from predominately minority neighborhoods because environmental injustice and over-policing will worsen. It’s a good idea to gather family and friends and move together to the suburbs of states where housing is affordable, schools are better, and jobs are abundant if telecommuting isn’t an option. Save and invest, rather than spend money. When I was in China, I learned that the people avoid political, social, and religious conversations with people they don’t know. We’ll have to quickly adopt that behavior. Grow your own produce because regulations will not only loosen, but there will be a lack enforcement personnel for those that remain. Stop consuming processed foods that destroy good health and exercise more. I predict that healthcare will become unaffordable and less accessible. Avoid unwanted pregnancy, opting now for permanent solutions if future children are not desired. They plan to prohibit contraception, abortion, and no-fault divorce in order to improve the birth rates and to re-subjugate women. Educate yourself for a better job and be the best at your job for job security. Keep emergency cash on hand in a safe. Get off of social media as surveillance will be used by a fascist state. Start listening to independent news outlets based outside the U.S. like the BBC because fascist lie and withhold factual information to maintain control. And finally, develop a greater collective mindset with family and close friends to ensure better mental health, financial security, and safety.

I suspect many Americans will actively resist the government whether Trump or Biden wins. I won’t be surprised if protests in the streets are met by military violence against citizens no matter which candidate wins. If Trump wins, I’m considering my options. But I’ll begin with prayers that God will intervene and deliver us from this threat of evil as horrific as the Taliban. I recognize that I’m married to a man, retired, financially independent, reside in an affluent predominately white neighborhood, and I live a Christian lifestyle, so I’m not the actual “target” of their oppressive policies. But people I know, love, and care about are, so I’ll have to think about ways to support them and to resist a fascist government should Trump win and adopt the Project 2025 playbook. There are some things worth fighting for. And for me, liberty and justice for all is one of them.

Trouble is foreseeable beginning in November 2024, and we will do well to prepare ourselves for it.