Letter to the Supreme Court

June 15, 2024

Dear Chief Justice Roberts,

I am a regular voting citizen of the United States.  I write to you out of my deep concern and regret that I can no longer trust the Supreme Court to make decisions that are in line with our Constitution and that serve the best interest of the people as opposed to the interest of wealthy individuals, religious zealots, and corporations.  It is evident that the Court has been compromised by a lack of accountability, right wing religious ideology, and bribery.  I speak specifically of Justice Thomas and Justice Alito. 

I feel like this is a stolen Court through the political maneuvers of Senator Mitch McConnell and hearings wherein Republican nominees lied to the Senators and the American public with regards to overturning Roe v. Wade.  No Supreme Court has a record of perfect decision making, however, none have been as suspected as our current Court of acting in bad faith.

I feel like your highly politized and religious Court has not only endangered the lives of women, but your Court has poisoned our political system with dark money, made us vulnerable to more gun violence and subjected to undrinkable water and unbreathable air.  Your Court has made a mockery of the rule of law by even considering presidential immunity.  You have successfully provided cover for a man who would essentially destroy our nation and remove the independent power of the press, the justice system, and even the Court. 

I grew up during the civil rights era.  I now understand why civil disobedience may be the only avenue left for many Americans to restore their civil rights that are clearly under attack by the religious right, wealthy ideologs, and greedy corporations. Our very freedoms and well-being are under attack by a Republican Congress that seeks to siege complete power over our lives and livelihoods with the blessing of your Court.   

No woman should have to jeopardize her mental and physical life in favor of an unborn, unaware, and unviable fetus. I do not believe that human life begins at conception.  According to Genesis, it begins with breath.  If religious members of your Court believe life begins at conception, then they should support a woman’s right to not have an abortion.  How is it constitutional to force a woman who believes differently to favor the life of another “person” over her own?  

Given the clear compromise of Justice Thomas and Justice Alito, I call upon them to recuse themselves in any dealings that appear to a reasonable person to be a conflict of interest.  To average Americans like me, they should have nothing to do with issues surrounding Trump or January 6th.  They should never be involved in issues before the Court where they have received gifts from people involved in a particular case.  This is corruption.  At this point in my life, I believe we are being subjected to a highly politized and highly corrupt Supreme Court that lacks accountability and that cannot be sustained.  Your rulings will be viewed as illegitimate and civil disobedience will become the only recourse many will find.


Dr. Juanita Hall