We Need a Decisive Win

The energy and momentum are clearly on the side of the democratic nominee, Kamala Harris. The polls have tightened, and some are now giving Harris a slight edge over Trump. But in this election, a slim win, particularly in battleground states, will not be enough to silence claims of voter fraud and refusals to certify elections. In addition to the presidency, we need to secure majorities in the House and Senate to really secure women’s reproductive rights, voting rights, protections for the environment, enact border security, and mitigate child poverty. In our approach to this election, we must be “wise as serpents and gentle as doves” as Jesus admonished in Matthew 10:16. It starts with sharing information.

A few people are unaware that our presidents are not elected by popular vote. They may see polls that put Kamala Harris ahead and think she will win and so they may decide to stay home, not thinking that we also need the House and the Senate to get things done and that state and local officials matter too. So, we must remind them that staying home must not be an option in any state. We must also remind folks that when it comes to the presidency, winning the most votes does not necessarily result in a win because of the electoral college. As a Californian, it drives me crazy that far less populated states or battleground states actually end up determining the outcomes of our presidential elections. These states include Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. So, what’s does our wise strategy entail?

First, we, and everyone we know, absolutely must be registered to vote. A simple click on vote.gov will allow any citizen to register or update their registration if there have been changes. Please be aware that there are numerous reports that voters are finding that their registrations have been “magically” cancelled. Everyone should check their voter registration status through the National Association of Secretaries of State website NASS. You’ll click the link to “Voter registration status”.

Our next job is to determine when, where, and how to vote. In red states, urban cities often experience excessively long lines. This is a form of voter suppression. Although unfair, it is wise to determine alternatives to help reduce waiting times. Every state is different when it comes to when and how you can cast your ballot. Some states allow for early voting, drop boxes, and absentee voting. Plan to take advantage of voting in a way to shorten the lines. That same NASS website provides detailed information by state. That said, also make sure the college students living in battleground states have registered to vote absentee if they are going away to college. This ensures that they vote in the county where they live and where they are aware of the candidates and the issues. However, if they are going away to school in a battleground state, it might be more advantageous if they vote in the local election there. The voter registration requirements are on the NASS website and college students should ensure that they have the proper ID handy for that particular state as some states, like Texas, will not accept student IDs.

Having the proper ID ready is the final step in preparation for voting for everyone. States differ in their voter ID requirements and so it is imperative to check the requirements since many state laws have become stricter since the 2020 election. Once again, the NASS website provides state by state information on proper voter ID requirements.

At that site, you will find links to every detail related to voting by state, including information for voting by absentee ballot and how to become a poll worker. In addition, you will be able to find out who your county election officials are so you can contact them regarding any concerns you might have, such as unreasonably long lines, security concerns, or the rumors circulating that he or she might refuse to certify the election if Trump loses.

Beyond voting, we must each consider giving our time, talent, and treasure to the campaign to win this election across the entire ballot. Options include donating to the Harris campaign and to local candidates, especially to candidates in key battleground states for the House and Senate. We can volunteer, we can register voters, we can set out lawn signs, we can wear campaign gear, we can talk to our friends, family members, and neighbors about the issues and candidates we support. We can make social media posts and respond to misinformation. Artists can do art. Singers can sing songs. We can attend rallies. We each have a bit of time, talent and treasure to put to work.

This is going to be an historic election no matter which candidate wins. It is the election that will determine what direction our nation is headed. Are we returning to a past of inequality where wealthy Christian white males make all the rules and Trump lies flood our airways or towards a future where everyone has a seat at the table, and every citizen has the opportunity to succeed. The choice is ours to make, but we must be wise in our preparations for the election, steadfast as we cast our ballots, and resolved to ensure they are counted fairly. Only a decisive win, with undeniably large numbers for Harris, will silence the naysayers and make those who think violence is the answer, think twice.

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