What’s a Woman?

Conservatives think that liberals should be embarrassed by their unwillingness to narrowly define human beings in the strict binary of male or female. We are not embarrassed, but practical in our observation of reality and acceptance of scientific evidence that indicates the diversity found in the biological sex of humans. We find it difficult to convince those who cling to religion as their final authority that the lived experience of a few and science itself clearly indicate that humans are not confined to the convenient strict binary that makes conservatives comfortable.

I find it amazing that conservatives choose to ignore our collective early life experiences that demonstrated to us as children that not everyone fits comfortably within the confines of these two narrowly defined boxes. As children we were quick to label girls who behaved more like boys, “tomboys” and boys who behaved more like girls, “sissies”. Not surprisingly, early on my mother did as many mothers of daughter’s would do. She dressed me in frilly outfits and enrolled me in dance and music classes. However, she soon discovered that I preferred plain clothes and sports. She was wise enough to allow me to skateboard, play basketball, volleyball, and baseball with the boys, eventually enrolling me on sports teams. I suppose she wasn’t too concerned about me because I also enjoyed classic “female” pursuits like literature, cooking, decorating, and playing with dolls. I was athletic enough to consistently be picked first for teams during P.E. but feminine enough to never be labeled a “tomboy” by my peers.

I was in high school when I first encountered truly non-binary female athletes. Some of the girls I played with and competed against in basketball and volleyball were exceptionally taller, stronger, faster, and more agile. Their voices were deeper, their mannerisms more masculine, and they preferred other girls as romantic partners. In those days, no one spoke openly about this very real situation. It must have been difficult for them to be open. In fact, one of my closet teammates was so good at hiding her personal reality that I didn’t learn about how she identified until our 25th high school reunion. I’m glad that she is proud and out and I never want her to have to live in fear again.

This election is about whether we as a nation will accept people for who they are, whether male or female or non-binary. I get that learning new pronouns is inconvenient. But we are capable of learning. I get that parents are afraid that their child may learn something new about the world. Their underlying fear is that their own child might not conform to their vision of what a boy or a girl should be like. Every parent should know that a book does not have the power to convince a child to change sex. However, books are about teaching acceptance of others or if necessary, about accepting oneself. I get that some people would rather not see or deal with transgender complications when it comes to restrooms or athletic competitions or medicine. But we are capable of figuring these things out.

The bottom line is that any loving parent will want their child grow up to be a healthy and happy productive adult. And any caring person would not knowingly push others to the brink of suicide by their prejudice. I’m discovering each day that being a liberal means accepting reality rather than pushing a narrative that ostracizes and demonizes individuals who are different. This election is ultimately about accepting our diversity as human beings and creating an inclusive society where everyone is free to be who they truly are and free to pursue opportunities free of discrimination.

For the religious who cling to the male and female binary, I would say that Jesus calls us to love our neighbors as ourselves and to allow God to be the judge of all.

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