Preparing for Post-Election 2024

After weeks of listening to candidate debates, speeches, interviews, and the pros and cons regarding ballot initiatives, this past Friday, my husband and I sat down together at our kitchen table and completed our election ballots. We signed, dated, sealed and deposited them in our local drop box at City Hall. Neither of us entirely trusts the mail these days and we wanted to avoid any possible mail delays or chaos at the polls on election day. I’m thankful to live in a state and county that provides easy access to the ballot for its citizens. Sadly, not every state values the voices of its citizens like California, and so I appreciate the legal warriors challenging new voter suppression rules and highlighting Republican plans to subvert election results. These defenders of democracy deserve our support.

Given our current situation, it is unlikely that we will have a definite winner on election day because many Democrats in particular are electing to vote by mail or drop box this year to avoid long lines and voter intimidation at the polls. I predict that Trump will try to declare victory on election night without the final voting tally and will once again seek to stop counting the ballots collected by mail and drop box. What is clear is that no matter the outcome of this election, a lot of people will be unhappy.

There are many anxious people who view this election as the most consequential election in our lifetime. I admit to being one of those people. There is so much anxiety that folks who would normally refrain from weighing into political theatre have broken their silence for this election. So many famous actors, singers, athletes, comedians and talk show hosts as well as high ranking military officers, old school Republicans, legal experts, and even psychologists have strongly endorsed Harris and warned us against voting for Trump. General Milley, who served in the Trump administration, went so far as to call Trump, “fascist to the core” and the “most dangerous person ever”.

And yet, the presidential election remains uncomfortably close. The reality is that Trump, like Hitler, offers his supporters people to blame for feelings of insecurity (that he manufactured) along with a false hope that he can fix everything by first extricating those bad people from society. Trump demonizes immigrants, democrats, journalists, judges, teachers, scientists, and transgender folks. He has openly promised to round up immigrants whom he believes shouldn’t be here regardless of legal status. He has promised to weaponize the justice department against his political enemies. He has promised police immunity against claims of brutality and the wrongful deaths of citizens. He has promised to shut down media outlets who scrutinize him because he refuses to be fact checked. And he has promised to invoke the military against protesters.

A good number of people approve of his agenda because they blindly accept false MAGA claims that kinship with Putin is to be admired, that public schools are performing sex change operations on children, that Haitians are eating pets, that migrants are stealing black jobs and buying up all the houses, that illegal immigrants are breaking into homes to rape, steal and murder residents, that doctors are killing newborn babies, that professors are indoctrinating students to hate white males, that women aren’t humble enough, that protesting against innocent deaths in Gaza is antisemitic, that tariffs punish our economic competitors, that tax cuts for the wealthy trickle down, that scientists are lying about climate change and poisoning us with vaccines to intentionally harm us, and that democrats control the weather to target Republican districts and then withhold disaster aid from them.

No matter which candidate loses this election, I predict there will be chaos in the streets because everyone truly believes that their candidate is trying to save the country. I plan to stock up on supplies to hunker down for several weeks until the immediate threats of violence have diminished. I predict there will be riots if not outright pockets of civil war. We have far too many impassioned individuals with guns in this country to consider ourselves safe after this highly consequential election. I pray that I am wrong.

If Harris wins, we will have protected our democracy from falling into a Russian style dictatorship where basic freedoms are lost, elections are truly rigged, equality in opportunity is destroyed, and the opposition is either jailed or killed. The dictatorial state will dictate science, history, news stories, pregnancy, education, sexual orientation, and judicial decisions. On the outside things will eventually seem peaceful, but it is a false peace when people are oppressed and lack information, hope, and opportunity. Innovation is stifled and poverty soon follows. This kind of dictatorship only benefits the dictator and the wealthy who remain useful and loyal to the dictator. It’s no surprise that Elon Musk has publicly embraced Trump. If Trump wins, he will be safe. If Trump loses, he will still be safe because our democracy and Constitution will remain intact.

In preparation for the outcome of this election, we have also secured new passports. Wouldn’t it be ironic if U.S. citizens became the newest migrants seeking political asylum, freedom from religious persecution, refuge from a dictator, economic opportunity, and safety in other countries around the world? Sadly, it could happen. And if it does, all those public figures who endorsed Kamala Harris may be among the first to leave. The second will be migrants either voluntarily or by force. Imagine the chaos of that mass exit on food prices and the invisible but necessary labor that will suddenly go undone. The third wave of migrants to leave the country will be people like me and my husband.

I’ve heard supporters of Trump claim that their candidate isn’t really a threat at all because he’s all talk and doesn’t plan to do any of the horrific things he says. They call people foolish for believing that Trump is a threat to democracy and implore us to believe that the true threat are the policies of Biden and Harris that are ruining the country.

The problem is that every metric of country health shows an improvement under the Biden/Harris administration. Crime is down, wages are up, inflation is coming down, the stock market is up, unemployment is down, economic growth is up, interest rates are going down, manufacturing is up, emissions are down, access to opportunities is up, illegal immigration is finally down, NATO membership is up, drug prices are down, and infrastructure improvements are up. On the downside, there are wars in Ukraine and the middle east, but our troops aren’t fighting in them. In an interconnected world, we’re actively trying to preserve democracies and save innocent lives through diplomacy rather than ignoring the fights altogether and handing Ukraine to Putin.

It’s often difficult to know who is telling the truth these days. But taking the presidential candidates at their word is probably the best we can do at this point. So, I’ve voted for the candidate who promises opportunities and says things that lift the nation and its citizens up. Others will choose the candidate who denigrates the nation and half of its people and promises nothing but retribution against his imagined enemies.

Whatever happens in the days following this important election, it is wise to be prepared for the worst and hopeful for the best.

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