We Must Loudly Object

Silence is consent. In ways that make sense you, be sure to make your voice heard. Remember that evil persists when good men (and women) do nothing. Personally, I choose to write letters to government leaders and support decent candidates. I encourage people with pens to write letters or send emails if writing is the way you communicate your needs, objections, and desires to decision makers in our government. Others might prefer phone calls, creating artwork, making songs, or marching (like the ones yesterday). Right now, the Republican threat to withhold funding to help the victims of the Southern California fires is on my mind. And I’m speaking up. I hope you will too. If you choose to write to Speaker Johnson, the address is: 568 Cannon House Office Bldg. Washington DC 20515-1804. Below is a copy of my letter to Speaker Mike Johnson that I sent on January 14, 2025. I hope it inspires you.

January 14, 2025

Dear Speaker Johnson,

You, Trump, and the Republican Party are not invisible to God, to the world, to historians, and most importantly to our children.  Your constant hypocrisy, lack of empathy, lack of compassion, lies, false accusations, embrace of lawlessness, and cruelty are evident to us all.  You seek political power and money above decency and service to the most vulnerable among us and above citizens who have lost everything to natural disasters, including to the unpresented fires in Southern California.

As a lifetime taxpayer and resident of California, I was appalled at your comments on national television threatening to attach conditions on aide to people who have lost everything in these fires.  California pays more in federal taxes than most other states and we are aware of the fact that we are a donor state to poor red states like yours.  It is unfair and indecent to suggest that aid for our natural disaster should have conditions when other states do not.  Our leadership may not be perfect, but they are competent and have been doing what they could to prepare.  They have been working tirelessly since the fires.  Unlike some ridiculous vocal members in your Party who believe we can control the rain, we can’t.  The fact that it hasn’t rained in eight months and that we couldn’t turn on the rain during this fire when the helicopters and planes were grounded because of wind is proof of that.  Tell her to shut up.

And no, looting is not now, nor has it ever been legal in our state.  So many lies that mislead people and only add fuel to the fire!

Furthermore, there is no city in the world that would have enough water in neighborhood fire hydrants to put out the vast number of structure fires in winds of up to 100 miles per hour.  Again, the helicopters and planes that we rely on to drop water couldn’t fly at the peak of these winds and so we were helpless. The electricity was out in most areas, and it is needed for pumping water.  With climate change, our fire season is now year-round and we have been working to address the problem for years. There are more facts you should have been informed of regarding our many preparations prior to these fires before you run your mouth on television trying to place blame.  Your comments should have been limited to compassion for American communities and praise for first responders and volunteers in addition to a commitment to help.  

Living in California, we are always aware of the fire danger and people are good about clearing forestry close to their homes.  However, that makes no difference when hurricane force winds send embers flying in all directions for miles.   

You and your Party members should be ashamed of yourselves for your false accusations, lack of understanding, and especially your lack of compassion for the victims of a disaster caused by the very climate change your Party keeps denying and therefore refuses to address.

Jesus said that we will know a tree by the fruit it bears.  So, the fruit I see on your tree is all poisonous.  You claim to be a Christian, but I see nothing of the teachings of Jesus in your words, actions and policies. Where is your care for the “least of these”?  I see you for who you are.  But more importantly, God is watching you.  History is watching you. And our children are watching you.  Do better by our Constitution, the rule of law, and the citizens of this country.  Right now, you and your Party are failing us.  You have sworn allegiance to a man who is hell bent on destroying our country from within with lies, false hoods, cruelty, bullying, lawlessness and the appointment of incompetent/unqualified people to his Cabinet.  Too many Americans voted for him because he tapped into their worse instincts and fears based in racism, homophobia, xenophobia and a bunch of lies and false promises. 

I’ve said this before, Congress is a separate but equal branch of government. Get up the courage to do your job responsibly!  All I see these days are a bunch of cowards afraid to stand up for what is just and what is right and what is good.  Your loyalty is sorely misplaced at present, but you can and must do better for the future of our country, starting with providing the much-needed aid to the victims of the fires in Southern California.   


Dr. Juanita Hall

Voting Citizen of the United States

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