Planning for the Worse Case Scenario

If Biden remains in the race, the likelihood that Trump will win is high. It’s not that Americans think Biden is a bad person; it’s that they can’t stand to see a frail looking, slow talking, inarticulate old man leading them and representing them on the world stage. They prefer the signs of vitality, even if the other person is a deeply flawed, bombastic, lying, felon. Too many Americans mistakenly think this is a competition between two old white men, when in fact it is a fight for how this country will treat its citizens moving forward.

I’ve spent many nights lying awake thinking about what it will mean to have our basic rights stripped away. I’ve visited China and Cuba where people are unwilling to answer simple questions for fear of being prosecuted by their government. They fear making any waves and encourage the silence of their family and friends. They steer clear of controversy and perform fake loyalty as a survival mechanism. Even my international students from China were careful of their words and actions because other Chinese students might report them to Chinese authorities. A wrong word or participation in a protest can land them in prison or dead. People in authoritarian countries go along quietly in order to survive until life becomes unbearable. Only then are there protests where protestors willingly sacrifice their lives to make a point. Even then, things don’t necessarily change.

This will be our future under Project 2025 when our government will silence protests using the police and military and the president can order the imprisonment or murder of his political enemies with immunity according to the recent ruling of the Supreme Court. A country where the president has full authority to weaponize the justice department to prosecute those who oppose him. Sounds like Russia or Iran or China because it is exactly like those countries.

Project 2025 calls for only loyalists to retain or assume roles in the administration of our civil service jobs. We’ve seen in authoritarian governments how incompetence, bribery and all manner of corruption are built into such a system. When loyalty is valued over expertise and experience, the entire country suffers, and true talent either leaves the country seeking freedom or is wasted. Historically, our country benefited from the mass exodus of talent from authoritarian governments. Perhaps the world will benefit from an exodus of doctors, teachers, scientists, journalists, scholars, and artists from the former U.S.

Project 2025 calls for the removal of the separation of church and state and the installation of a white nationalist “Christian” state where Muslims are banned, undocumented immigrants are rounded up, pornography is illegal, no fault divorce leaves people trapped in abusive marriages, the wealthy pay less in taxes, environmental science is silenced, monitoring and regulations for public health disappear, history and science are rewritten, gays and transgender lose their rights, overtime pay is discarded, and women no longer have control over their reproductive decisions. The wealthy are given the keys to become even wealthier, welding more power and influence than ever while the poor, women, and minorities will be their footstool, devoid of basic rights and threatened into submission. The gays and transgender will be made invisible like in Russia where Putin claims with confidence that there are no gay people. In Uganda, they simply kill them. Imagine returning to the days when most people have to depend on the charity and good will of the very wealthy for survival? Or the days when women had to depend on men for everything? This is Project 2025.

I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about how to respond if this election is lost to those who favor a new authoritarian government under Trump that is styled according to Project 2025. And I’ve only come up with a few first steps. First, we’ve secured updated passports in case fleeing the country is the best option and we’ve talked about which countries might welcome us. Second, we’ve made sure we have access to liquid funds in case banks are undermined. Third, we’ve stockpiled masks since this will be a government devoid of public health scientists and regulations and a willingness to lie should Covid mutate into a more deadly form, or some new pandemics visit us. Forth, we have both a water and air filtration system. Fifth, we will limit our purchases of goods and services to necessities, and curtail entertainment outside the house, keeping to ourselves. Sixth, we will end all use of social media and turn off all tracking and update privacy settings on our phone. Seventh, we will get a VPN for our computer search engine and watch news reports from outside the country. Eighth, we will get a backup generator for emergency power. And finally, we will increase our efforts to grow our own produce to be completely self-sufficient.

No matter who wins, I suspect there will be violence in the streets and a wise person will not be in those streets unless they are willing to physically fight. We are too old for that. So, we will remain home, supporting the freedom fighters as best we can. I also expect that we are going to experience the exponential rise in homegrown terrorism and cyberattacks from opposing sides, seeking to undermine the next administration and to wreak havoc on the nation. In fact, this past week, the gay furries successfully hacked The Heritage Foundation computer network. Opposition groups are already making their presence and their agenda known to the public. There will be more of that on both sides.

It is difficult to fantom that this is where we are. But here we are, literally sleep-walking into authoritarianism unless something changes very quickly. The biggest change needs to be awareness of Project 2025 among voting citizens. For starters, I don’t think enough people realize just how bad things will be for everyone if our government starts rounding up 15 million undocumented people who are working throughout this country. Not only will it cause personal heartaches and chaos, but with unemployment already low, who do they think will assume the many important jobs undocumented people are currently doing? Be prepared to pay higher prices for just about everything and to see a huge amount of goods and services disappear. And as they fire experienced civil servants and experts, be prepared for a slow and incompetent civil service across all sectors of society.

Many people behind Project 2025 and a few of those who support it have a vision of humanity wherein they believe it is God’s natural order to favor white heterosexual males above everyone else. Others believe it is just Christian males, apart from skin color, who should be on top. Most others who support Project 2025 view it as a means to either remain on top or to stifle competition for power and economic success. These people have convinced themselves that the rest of humanity should exist to revere and to serve them. And they plan to assert their authority as they once did, with violence. It is our collective decision to either stop them, run from them, or submit to them. It will take an even greater amount of resolve and force to stop them, but the alternative looks too horrific to accept.

Project 2025 Letter to Speaker Johnson

I wrote another letter to Speaker Johnson. This time I challenged him as one Christian to another on his plans to help fundamentally reshape the country into a Taliban-like theocracy. I believe we must do everything in our power to stop Project 2025 from becoming our reality. I choose persuasion; others may choose protest. But we must all do something because pundits are saying that the attempted assassination of Trump at his Pennsylvania rally yesterday makes him far more likely to win the election because of the sympathy vote and the vote of those who are enamored by his defiant strong man response.

Dear Speaker Johnson,

I have been a born-again Christian since February 14, 1971.  I spent more than 20 years teaching Sunday School and another 5 years working with youth in my church.  My professional career was spent working at a Lutheran private college where I was a professor in the graduate school of education and a campus administrator.

I write to you today as a patriotic voting citizen who cares deeply about the Constitution of our country and the attention that must continue to be paid to the establishment clause that ensures every American of their freedom of religion and an assurance that the state will not impose a specific religion upon them.

That said, I’m appalled by the Republican move and the conversative court’s movement toward theocracy.  In particular, I oppose Project 2025 and it’s revolution and endorsement of violence to accomplish it’s authoritarian goals.  There is nothing “Christlike” about this plan. I am shocked by state laws that now impose the teaching of the Bible and the posting of the Ten Commandments in public schools.  Not only are these mandates clear violations of establishment clause, but they are an affront to Christianity itself. 

As a follower of Christ, I must question the theology and even the wisdom of imposing the Old Testament laws of an angry God upon the people of this nation. Conservative claims that this is a “Christian” nation is a rewriting of history and worse, it is a contradiction to the types of laws you and your party seek to impose.

The lies, political tricks, and even threats of violence your party employs to gain power are typical of sinners, not saints.  Jesus told us that we will know a tree by its fruit.  Greed for money and power make up the root and trunk of your conservative tree. Nothing good will come from it.  Your party has embraced Trump, a tree that has produced nothing but rotten fruit. The fruit of your laws will produce more deaths by gunfire, environmental pollution that will destroy life on the planet, a rollback of access to healthcare, expanded hunger, more maternal deaths, rampant bullying, and legal discrimination of minorities. I see no compassion, but only exclusion and misery for people who are not white, heterosexual males.

Conservatives ban books that help children to understand and accept the reality that human beings are diverse and that we can live together in peace.  These are anti-bullying books.  In addition, conservatives seek to hide our nation’s history of exploitation, violence, discrimination, and genocide.  Instead of healing the wounds of the past, you seek to bury the truth when Jesus tells us that it is the truth that sets us free.  Repentance, redemption, and restoration come with the truth, not with denying past wrongs.

The reality is that no one can groom a person to be something they are not. You cannot groom a child to be another gender or a homosexual.  You can only make them feel safe or not to reveal their true selves.  You cannot force people through laws, intimidation, and violence to accept your view of Christianity either.  History has shown that it doesn’t work.  The truth of human nature and science will always rise from the ashes. 

I grow weary of watching Republicans engaging in fear-mongering and outright lying.  I’ve heard Trump and other Republicans repeatedly lie that democrats approve of aborting viable babies at eight or nine months gestation and even after birth.  Is it that the Ten Commandments are for thee but not for me with you guys?  “You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor”.  Remember that one? Let’s not even talk about how many commandments Trump has violated in his personal life. Jesus warned you that the love of money is the root of all evil, but you all aren’t paying any attention to that in your embrace of his lawlessness and evil.

 Jesus preached and led the way in taking care of the hungry, the sick, the outcast, the children and welcoming the immigrant.  He didn’t condemn sinners, but rather encouraged repentance. It appears to me that the laws the democrats propose are more in alignment with the care for others that Jesus stood for and taught his disciples while the Republicans are stuck in the condemnation and lack of compassion of the Old Testament God.  Evangelical Christians these days are characterized by their hate, not love.  Jesus had compassion for the outsiders in society and included them, never condemning or ostracizing them. I note that he never mentioned gays even though they were certainly present.  He never mentioned abortion even though abortion has been part of the human saga.  I must note that according to the Bible itself, this body is just a tent formed in the womb and becomes a living soul when it is capable of breath. So many fertilized eggs are naturally miscarried before viability, so why would anyone believe these “human bodies under construction” are more valuable than the living and breathing women who are nourishing them through their own bodily sacrifice and peril?  And I’ve never seen a living human being capable of being frozen indefinitely and then coming back to life to continue  developing.  This body is simply a tent that temporarily houses a breathing, thinking, and ambitious human soul. 

Being a mother of three, I endured the months of sickness, the backpains, and the pain and risks of childbirth along with the scars that remained afterwards.  I required major surgery following the birth of my third child. Pregnancy and childbirth is risky business and we have the maternal mortality rates to prove it.  My point is that Republicans forcing women to risk their lives and endure the hardships of pregnancy and childbirth against their freewill is cruelty at its worse. Not every woman has the physical nor mental capacity to endure a pregnancy.

With this letter, I am hoping to appeal to your sense of right and wrong, good and evil.  Project 2025 is evil. It moves people away from the love of Jesus and the salvation He offers and not towards it.  It has no foundation in the Gospel or teachings of Jesus and seeks to undermine the constitutional freedoms citizens of this country enjoy and thrive under. Under Project 2025, we will be worse than North Korea, China, Russia and Cuba.  The people there are not free and soon Americans will have less freedom than the citizens of those countries and that is a tragedy. Our innovation will be stifled.  Our pursuit of happiness in life on our own terms will no longer be an option.  Our economy will crash.  Oppressed people are not happy and thriving people; they are hopeless and stop innovating. Our lives will be no different from the Afghan people under the Taliban.   

At least China and much of the world aren’t denying science and are paying attention to climate change.  If Project 2025 is implemented, I believe China will soon lead the world and perhaps that will in fact turn out to be what saves the planet and humanity itself from destruction.  No one will enjoy freedom, but at least the planet will be here until the next generation of people, “yearning to breathe free”, mount their own revolution.  Or maybe Jesus will return and save us from ourselves.    


Dr. Juanita Hall, concerned citizen

Letter to the Supreme Court

Like many Americans, I am both frustrated and furious with the recent decisions handed down by the Supreme Court. I decided it was time they heard how I felt about their decisions and about the obvious corruption among some of the conservative members, so I wrote to them. I share my letter with the hope to inspire to join the chorus of citizens who are making their frustration known.

Dear Supreme Court,

I have completely lost confidence in your judgment.  You have members who lack basic ethics.  You have members who take bribes, lied to get on the court, fail to recuse themselves, and have an agenda that goes against our Constitution and the health, safety, and welfare of our citizens.  You have broken this nation by granting criminal immunity to the Office of the Presidency when no other president in our history needed nor requested such a thing until Donald Trump who is probably guilty of many crimes against us, notwithstanding lying about a stolen election and trying to overturn the results to remain in office.  He’s taken money from foreign governments, stolen classified documents, and personally profited from his position as president.  We can’t trust a Republican Senate to hold him accountable because they too are afraid of him and his cult supporters who are armed and ready to kill on his behalf.  The threats of violence are rampant, and you empower it all with your decisions.

I have lost confidence in the rule of law and no longer believe we are a nation of reasonable laws.  You made corporations people and we’ve seen how horribly that has played out.  You made guns readily available and now we can’t go to the grocery store, church, school or a movie theater without fear of being gunned down.  You’ve taken away a woman’s right to choose whether or not to continue a pregnancy that could kill her, or a dying fetus, or even one that was unplanned.  Women will die and lives will be ruined and countless unwanted babies will be doomed to poverty and child abuse. Your decision robs women of their right to life, liberty and their pursuit of happiness in favor of a fetus that has no ability to exist on its own. You’ve taken away the power of expert government agencies to regulate greedy corporations who would readily pollute our air, food, and water for profit.  You’ve further opened the door to planetary disaster.  I pity my children and grandchildren who will live with the consequences of your actions.

You lack credibility and I have no idea which Americans will choose to abide by your unreasonable rulings moving forward.  In my eyes, you are completely illegitimate.  You have invited anarchy.  No reasonable person believes that a corrupt court should have the authority to make decisions that significantly affect their lives and well-being in so many negative ways.  I know I don’t.


Dr. Juanita Hall, Citizen of the United States

Post-Debate Trauma

As a voting citizen, I felt obligated to watch the entire presidential debate on June 27th between President Biden and former President Trump. I pulled out my yellow pad and sat in my office glued to the television, prepared to see the energetic Biden I observed at the State of the Union. Within seconds, it was evident that he was going to present a view of himself that dismantled any hopes I had that he was up for the task, not only of debating, but of successfully running for office again.

His voice was slow, raspy, and quiet. His demeanor was low key and lethargic. He moved and presented himself as a feeble old man. His answers were slow, sometimes to the point and other times, rambling and incoherent. He was unable to effectively counter all the lies and rewriting of history Trump threw at him. At one point, he simply says that everything Trump just said was a lie. He didn’t adequately defend his record, his decisions, nor present his accomplishment in a way that inspired confidence.

Although Biden was clearly a better president and is a more likable human being than Trump, he looked too old and feeble to continue on as president for four more years. It was painful to watch his obvious decline in mental acuity and mobility. But it was also a wakeup call to the Democrat leadership, which I pray they will act upon this time.

Biden needs to step aside and allow another person to assume the presidential candidacy before it is too late. Following the debate, I emailed my request directly to the White House, imploring President Biden to step aside for the good of the nation. I emailed the Democratic National Committee and requested that they convince Biden to step aside and find another candidate to run. I emailed Senator Chuck Schummer and my governor, Galvin Newsome, and requested the same.

Overall, I think Biden has done a good job as president and I commended his record in my emails. However, there is no getting beyond the perception that he presents himself as old and feeble on the world stage and that his inability to effectively communicate his ideas, stay on topic, or issue rebuttals with energy and conviction will lead to his defeat this November.

Everyone says that the choice is Biden’s to make. But that does not mean that as many of us as possible should remain silent and not try to pressure him to do what we are convinced is best for the country and the world. Our silence is our consent, so I hope many people around him and others across the country are encouraging him to step away.

I question why he would remain in the race. How much is ego? How much is hubris? How much is personal ambition? How much is delusional thinking? I don’t know. But I’m praying that enough of us speaking out can break through to him and convince him to take a bow for the wins of the past four years and pass the torch. He has left the country better than he found it. It would be a tragedy to hand over the country to Trump, White Christian Nationalists and their Project 2025 plans and the Federalist Society. We need a strong leader to counteract the damage they have already done and the theocratic plans they have for our collective future.

Of course, if after all efforts fail and Biden chooses to continue running, I will vote for him. I take comfort in the fact that he is surrounded by competent cabinet members, career administrators and staff. I’ve watched many of them testify before congress and the senate on multiple occasions and they exude integrity, confidence, and competence in their administrative areas. None of them shrink before the MAGA Republican nonsense their representatives throw at them. The opposite is true of the previous Trump administration where they were either silent, lying, or frustrated with Trump’s incompetence, law-breaking, and lying that they resigned, were fired, or helped him at the cost of their professional and personal reputations. The Republican lead Senate failed to convict him twice and that is shameful. And now the judicial system replete with just enough MAGA judges are failing us with unfounded delays.

No matter who the democratic candidate turns out to be, I will vote for him or her. I am actively joining the chorus of democrats encouraging Biden to step aside. But if he doesn’t, I will vote for him without reservation because the other choice is completely unacceptable. Trump and the current Republican Party is a threat to our country, the world economy, humanity itself, the rule of law, and the environment. I just wish more Americans were paying close enough attention to see this.

Too Much Stuff Robs Wealth

Since retirement, I have sought to rid myself of a lifetime of collecting stuff. I was never a spend thrift, spending money without purpose on expensive toys. I preferred watching money grow through savings and investments. I preferred the satisfaction of donating money to good causes. And I preferred spending money on education and travel. That isn’t to say that I didn’t spend money on things someone convinced me that I needed. I did.

Because I enjoyed dressing up for work, creating and maintaining a comfortable and beautifully decorated home, gardening, and cooking and entertaining, I accumulated a lot of items to help me achieve these lifestyle choices. But now I’ve slowed my roll. I don’t have anywhere to wear all these clothes, shoes, coats, handbags, scarfs, and jewelry. I no longer cook and entertain on the scale I once did. And I’m not so keen on redecorating for every season as I once was. In the past, I was fond of having an occasional garage sale, but those days are over. Now, I’ve taken to donating a lot of items, passing some on to the kids, and I’m writing down the instructions for an estate sale in my will. The point is that you can’t take any of this stuff with you and while you’re here, it all becomes a mental burden to look at while it collects dust.

It’s hard for younger people to grasp this. I had a heated conversation with a family member about the danger of spending every available dollar on expensive toys, foregoing savings and investments. I realize that people have different mindsets when it comes to owning things. In my opinion, that family member has an unhealthy attachment to his stuff because it interferes with his mental and financial stability. Despite the overwhelming credit interest and maintenance cost associated with his expensive toys, my son in law can’t imagine selling any of his items. In the past, I made the mistake of paying off their creditors when I saw interest rates to the tune of 25 -29%, only to have them turn around and purchase more stuff on credit because that money was freed up for new monthly payments. I learned my lesson to never do that again.

We live in a nation where most people don’t have $400 set aside for an emergency. I think we have created an unhealthy relationship with the accumulation of things. No item should be paid for multiple times because of credit interest. My credit card pays me, not the other way around! There are a couple of rules I learned in my thirties that have served me well. First is that immediate gratification and impulse buying lead to financial debt. The second rule is that things do not make me happy. While certain things have utility, I keep them around, but after that, I get rid of them because I find that clutter is a mental weight.

The problem is that everywhere we go, everywhere we look, someone is trying to sell us some item that is guaranteed to make us better or happier. It’s usually a lie. What I’ve discovered through the years is that there is greater happiness in breaking free of the clutter from useless items and even greater satisfaction in donating to good causes. However, the greatest satisfaction comes from watching my savings and investments grow with every dollar I do not spend on frivolous items. This practice has provided my current financial security and future benefits for my grandchildren. Some call it building “generational wealth” and you can’t do that by spending every dollar you make.

Letter to the Supreme Court

June 15, 2024

Dear Chief Justice Roberts,

I am a regular voting citizen of the United States.  I write to you out of my deep concern and regret that I can no longer trust the Supreme Court to make decisions that are in line with our Constitution and that serve the best interest of the people as opposed to the interest of wealthy individuals, religious zealots, and corporations.  It is evident that the Court has been compromised by a lack of accountability, right wing religious ideology, and bribery.  I speak specifically of Justice Thomas and Justice Alito. 

I feel like this is a stolen Court through the political maneuvers of Senator Mitch McConnell and hearings wherein Republican nominees lied to the Senators and the American public with regards to overturning Roe v. Wade.  No Supreme Court has a record of perfect decision making, however, none have been as suspected as our current Court of acting in bad faith.

I feel like your highly politized and religious Court has not only endangered the lives of women, but your Court has poisoned our political system with dark money, made us vulnerable to more gun violence and subjected to undrinkable water and unbreathable air.  Your Court has made a mockery of the rule of law by even considering presidential immunity.  You have successfully provided cover for a man who would essentially destroy our nation and remove the independent power of the press, the justice system, and even the Court. 

I grew up during the civil rights era.  I now understand why civil disobedience may be the only avenue left for many Americans to restore their civil rights that are clearly under attack by the religious right, wealthy ideologs, and greedy corporations. Our very freedoms and well-being are under attack by a Republican Congress that seeks to siege complete power over our lives and livelihoods with the blessing of your Court.   

No woman should have to jeopardize her mental and physical life in favor of an unborn, unaware, and unviable fetus. I do not believe that human life begins at conception.  According to Genesis, it begins with breath.  If religious members of your Court believe life begins at conception, then they should support a woman’s right to not have an abortion.  How is it constitutional to force a woman who believes differently to favor the life of another “person” over her own?  

Given the clear compromise of Justice Thomas and Justice Alito, I call upon them to recuse themselves in any dealings that appear to a reasonable person to be a conflict of interest.  To average Americans like me, they should have nothing to do with issues surrounding Trump or January 6th.  They should never be involved in issues before the Court where they have received gifts from people involved in a particular case.  This is corruption.  At this point in my life, I believe we are being subjected to a highly politized and highly corrupt Supreme Court that lacks accountability and that cannot be sustained.  Your rulings will be viewed as illegitimate and civil disobedience will become the only recourse many will find.


Dr. Juanita Hall

Letter to Congressman Bryon Donald

Congressman Bryon Donalds is on Donald Trump’s shortlist for vice president. As such, he and the others on the list are making the most outrageous comments in order to gain favor among MAGA Republican voters. His latest comment to black Republicans explained how blacks did better under Jim Crow because marriage rates were higher. I decided to write to Bryon Donalds regarding his affinity for Republican policies that supposedly benefit black people.

Dear Representative Bryon Donalds,

June 8, 2024

I watched your attempt to clarify your unfortunate comment regarding the black family being together during the era of Jim Crow on CNN.  To be honest, I find your attempt to attribute Republican policies to the black progress we see today not only ingenuous but lacking credibility.  I’ve lived long enough to experience the many roadblocks’ conservatives have placed in our way since the Civil Rights Movement.  It takes an extraordinary amount of tenacity, courage, and intelligence to overcome them.  I’m one of the lucky ones.

I am a black female senior citizen and a democrat.  I am also a Christian.  I attribute my excellent progress with obtaining an education, getting married, raising three law-abiding financially successful children, and retiring comfortably to policies enacted by the Democrats and to my Christian values of love, kindness, and hard work.  My grandparents fled the Jim Crow south for safety and economic opportunities to the Motor City, Detroit.  My parents later moved us to California where red lining curtailed our progress.  However, when the Democrats passed the Fair Housing Act, my parents had the courage and foresight to move us into a white neighborhood where housing values appreciated, the schools were better funded, the groceries were cheaper and healthier, the police were not omnipresent, and the air and water were clean.  I followed suit with my own family.

The reality is that since the passing of the Civil Rights laws, Republicans have sought ways to curtail the progress of black people, women, religious minorities and LGBTQ folks.  In my experience, even though I was an excellent student and state identified as gifted, my mother had to demand I had access to college preparatory courses at the predominately white high school I attended.  It was Affirmative Action that opened the doors to colleges and universities for me to attend.  I lacked guidance from the college counselor who refused to assist me in choosing any college at all, so I chose the University of Southern California where my brother was already a student.  I later learned that I could have attended an Ivy League school with my academic credentials, but I was never afforded the knowledge that some universities were more prestigious than others. 

The Political Party that encourages continued discrimination against women, people of color, religious minorities, and LGBTQ folks is consistently the Republican Party.  Your Party does not open doors for people of diverse backgrounds in this country; it closes them at every opportunity.  Your Party has managed to make “diversity”, “equity”, and “inclusion” bad words and continually bans books designed to teach tolerance and reduce bullying among children. I will argue that the progress you see among black people is the result of reproductive choice, access to education, Obamacare, demands for criminal justice reform, and the ability to choose who and when to marry.  The ability is begin building generational wealth is despite the Republican policies, not because of them.  Your Party deserves no credit!

Your Party seeks to “Make America Great Again” when the only ones who experienced nirvana were white Protestant males.  The rest of us were second class citizens, locked out of schools, neighborhoods, healthcare, job opportunities, and some were locked in closets. There was no liberty and justice for all.  There was no realized aspiration of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for every American.  There was no equal justice under the law for everyone.  Those things were reserved for white males.  That was your great America!

Everything your Party is currently doing tells me, and many other Americans, that you want to return to those days.  Your Party’s unreasonable stance on abortion and contraception tells us how much you despise the intellect and aspirations of women.  Your attacks on the LGBTQ community tells us how you want to push them back into the closet and re-subject them to bullying so they will kill themselves.  Your attack on the justice system tells us that you want to return to a two-tiered criminal justice system where wealthy white men (like Donald Trump) are immune from prosecution and all others are over-policed and strongly prosecuted. Your attack on immigrants tells me you value white Christian people over all others.  And your attack on teachers and science, tells me you want a nation of ignorant workers who are easily exploited and expendable cheap labor.  Your attack on regulations means the maintenance of toxic air and water in poor neighborhoods, leaving folks sick and their children stunted.     

My family is building generational wealth.  But it has been through the policies of the Democrats that opened doors that were previously closed, giving us access to better education, better jobs, decent healthcare, bank accounts, capital, and allowed us to control our reproductive choices. 

I truly have no idea why you are a Republican.  They think men who look like you are criminals and belong in prison, not in professional careers.  Our country does need workers, but your Party can’t stand the idea of immigration when the pool of available workers are brown and black people.  It speaks to their inherent belief that all men are NOT created equal.  And that is the problem I have with MAGA and now with you.

Justice for All – The Ideal America

Our Constitution promises equal justice under the law. School children and attendees at civic meetings begin with the Pledge of Allegiance wherein we proclaim a commitment to “liberty and justice for all.” But in many ways, these words are more aspirational than reality. Some Americans seem to be just fine with a justice system that harshly punishes the poor and people of color and seeks to pardon wealthy white men.

This past week, during Trump jury deliberations in New York, I asked my husband if he thought Erik Trump misspoke when he predicted they would win in the hush money trial because they were “white”, and the case was nonsense. My husband thought as I did that Erik spoke a truth that he might have preferred to keep silent. It’s evident to me that because Trump is wealthy and white, he has been able to break laws his entire life with near impunity until now; so being prosecuted feels really unfair to him and his family. We’re talking about a man who cheated on his SAT, dodged the draft, sexually assaulted women, discriminated against blacks in housing, cheated contractors, defrauded banks, defrauded Trump University students, and evaded taxes. Think of the many people through the years who were prosecuted and served time for crimes like this. He never did. For all his crimes, he was never prosecuted criminally until now. Most times, the law turned a blind eye. On occasion, he paid small fines, or he successfully tied things up in court leaving his victims without justice.

Many Americans, like me, are glad he was finally held criminally accountable for at least one crime. His more serious crimes involving stealing classified government documents and conspiring to steal the 2020 election have been successfully postponed by Republican judges who have co-opted our justice system through clever legal maneuvers. It is frustrating to say the least.

However, other Americans, most of whom are avid Trump supporters, are outraged that he is being held accountable at all. To their minds, Trump is somehow either incapable of breaking the law or is above the law altogether. No, it doesn’t make sense, but here we are. I hear them passionately proclaim that he hasn’t done anything wrong. I hear them echo his claims that this is all a political witch hunt. They aren’t interested in the truth; they are interested in protecting their dear leader. After the guilty verdict, the calls for riots and violence against the judge, prosecutors, jurors and all democrats are actually pretty frightening.

And then there are a handful of short-sighted Americans who submit to an unjust two-tiered justice system wherein some people are actually treated better than others and rightfully should be held to a different standard. They hold people like politicians and wealthy elites as somehow too valuable to society to be held to the same laws as average citizens. Unless someone is murdered, they seem to be okay with “white collar” crimes wherein elites evade taxes, falsify legal and business records, defraud banks and business partners, bribe politicians, extort others, and sexually harass women. They mistakenly view these as victimless crimes, failing to realize that we, the American people are the actual victims. The idea that any American would select a convicted felon as president is a terrifying thought. I’m hopeful the persuadable folks who are still reasonable will recognize what is best for our nation before it is too late.

In a way, I’m grateful that Trump has highlighted one of our nation’s psychological shortcomings when it comes to upholding the rule of law. We now see more clearly that we have yet to realize the aspiration of our founding fathers for equal justice under the law. But with the criminal conviction of Trump in this small and comparatively insignificant case, we have moved a step closer to that goal.

I Foresee Trouble Ahead

Throughout my life, I’ve utilized many of the proverbs I learned early in life as sound advice. One in particular fits the moment we are living in. Proverbs 27:12 states, “A wise man sees trouble and hides himself; the simple pass on and our punished.” That proverb is a call to notice warning signs presented to us and to act accordingly to protect ourselves, otherwise we will suffer negative consequences. As I consider the upcoming November election, I recognize signs of trouble ahead.

The first sign of trouble stems from the passionate and cult-like worship of Trump. Never in my entire life have I seen people in this country wave flags and clothe themselves in garments from head to toe in support of a political leader. They gather in rallies like they’re going to a church revival to listen to a man ramble and rant about nothing of actual substance to improve the nation or their lives. He feeds them a steady diet of fear, hate, insults, grievance, and promises of retribution and cruelty against their perceived enemies (immigrants and democrats) while lining his pockets, basking in their adoration, and trying to avoid prosecution his criminal acts. It’s not surprising that Trump says there will be a “blood bath” if he loses. He refuses to commit to conceding if he loses, so we must all be aware that his supporters are armed and will be enraged if he does lose–a dangerous combination. January 6, 2021 should remind us of what they are capable of. I predict that the days following a Trump election loss may be much worse. You won’t find me dancing in the street to celebrate a Biden win.

You also won’t find me at the polls on election day. I have been saying for weeks that Biden supporters should vote early or by mail to avoid MAGA chaos and intimidation at the polls on election day. Voting early or by mail will help ensure shorter election day lines, particularly in minority neighborhoods where there are fewer polls by Republican design. MAGA folks have proven their determination to win at all costs and I would not put anything past them. They will be watching the polls and some of them have volunteered as election workers. The brave among us must do the same. We need just as many election volunteers on our side to ensure a fair count. For fairness and safety, we should implore our county election officials to place additional law enforcement security around the polls and during counting. I’m thankful for surveillance cameras, and for this election, we should insist upon their presence during the entire process.

At this point, there is a good chance that Trump may win this election. I truly hope he doesn’t because I think his administration will destroy the reputation of our nation, will undermine any hope of addressing climate change, and will roll back the individual freedoms we enjoy. I read a synopsis of Project 2025. It provides a playbook for the dismantling and political reconstruction of the administrative state in order to turn this country into a Christian theocracy that lacks presidential accountability to the rule of law and criminalizes citizens who do not adhere to their theocratic laws. The authors of Project 2025 interpret liberty only within the framework of Christianity and reinterpret the “pursuit of happiness” to be the pursuit of “blessedness” that comes exclusively by adhering to God’s laws, explicitly banning abortion, gay marriage, and eliminating all training and adherence to the ideals of diversity, equity, and inclusion. Science takes second place to the Bible, the family is redefined, only ideological loyalists are retained and hired by government, and discrimination is legalized.

How does a person hide from a Trump or Project 2025 administration? Prepare now for a fascist government. Some will be best served by leaving the country for safety reasons. I advise others to move away from predominately minority neighborhoods because environmental injustice and over-policing will worsen. It’s a good idea to gather family and friends and move together to the suburbs of states where housing is affordable, schools are better, and jobs are abundant if telecommuting isn’t an option. Save and invest, rather than spend money. When I was in China, I learned that the people avoid political, social, and religious conversations with people they don’t know. We’ll have to quickly adopt that behavior. Grow your own produce because regulations will not only loosen, but there will be a lack enforcement personnel for those that remain. Stop consuming processed foods that destroy good health and exercise more. I predict that healthcare will become unaffordable and less accessible. Avoid unwanted pregnancy, opting now for permanent solutions if future children are not desired. They plan to prohibit contraception, abortion, and no-fault divorce in order to improve the birth rates and to re-subjugate women. Educate yourself for a better job and be the best at your job for job security. Keep emergency cash on hand in a safe. Get off of social media as surveillance will be used by a fascist state. Start listening to independent news outlets based outside the U.S. like the BBC because fascist lie and withhold factual information to maintain control. And finally, develop a greater collective mindset with family and close friends to ensure better mental health, financial security, and safety.

I suspect many Americans will actively resist the government whether Trump or Biden wins. I won’t be surprised if protests in the streets are met by military violence against citizens no matter which candidate wins. If Trump wins, I’m considering my options. But I’ll begin with prayers that God will intervene and deliver us from this threat of evil as horrific as the Taliban. I recognize that I’m married to a man, retired, financially independent, reside in an affluent predominately white neighborhood, and I live a Christian lifestyle, so I’m not the actual “target” of their oppressive policies. But people I know, love, and care about are, so I’ll have to think about ways to support them and to resist a fascist government should Trump win and adopt the Project 2025 playbook. There are some things worth fighting for. And for me, liberty and justice for all is one of them.

Trouble is foreseeable beginning in November 2024, and we will do well to prepare ourselves for it.

My 2024 Humble Advice for Moms, Girls, and Young Women

My mother was right. She once said to me that I could have it all, just not all at the same time. Well, by a stroke of luck (or fate), I did have it all and it wasn’t all at the same time. My “haphazard” life story, the journeys of my daughters, and the state of our society today inform my advice for mothers raising daughters, for ambitious and talented girls, and for young women entering adulthood.

The first thing I will say is that we as females in this particular country (for now) are much more than our uterus and our place is wherever we choose it to be, whether that is the boardroom, the studio, or the kitchen. If a girl is blessed with an average lifespan, good health, energy, talent, and intelligence, then with some strategic planning, she can assume different roles throughout her lifetime without foregoing the fulfillment each role has to offer. In other words, I reject the notion that the vocation of a woman is limited to that of wife, mother, and homemaker.

Let me be clear. These are not vocations, but possible roles and responsibilities that change over time. Let’s start with the role of being a wife. For me, being a wife has always meant being a full partner, confidant, and companion, not a servant. I like being married and both times I was careful to marry men who respect women and honored my independence. However, I realized as a 35-year-old “stay at home” mother of three that fidelity was also important to me so when my first husband decided he wanted a side piece, I had the job skills, the confidence, and the education necessary to forge a different path. I was prepared to take the reins when I filed for divorce, securing the property, alimony, and child support the court ordered.

I learned from that experience that a woman must always maintain her own credit, checking, investments, and savings accounts. Total dependance on another human being is a dangerous and unwise decision that has thrown many unprepared women and their children into sudden poverty. My advice is to be careful when choosing a spouse if marriage is desired. These days there are a growing number of men who are eager to offer women “security” in exchange for a return to the days when women were regarded as property to be controlled. There are men looking for a personal slave who will give them sex on demand, who will cook and clean up after them, who will do as they say, and who will raise their babies on their behalf. They demand obedience and exercise total control. They will use religion, financial security, emotional gaslighting, or brute force to break a woman’s will and to undermine the natural human desire for personal autonomy. So, any man who offers to “take care of you” should be a “no, thank you” because there are always puppet strings attached. You want a partner, not an overseer.

Now, let’s move on to motherhood for those who desire children. My first piece of advice is to pay attention to our biology and to utilize effective birth control to protect against an untimely pregnancy. The inconvenient reality is that our biology intends for us to give birth in our twenties. It is far easier to get pregnant, sustain a healthy pregnancy, give birth, recover from giving birth, stay up with crying babies, and run after a toddler when you are in your twenties and early thirties. And it is also much easier and better for the child to do this with a partner, so I highly recommend first getting married after a few years of college, work experience, and savings in the bank. If given the option, choose funds for a downpayment on a house rather than a fancy fairy tale wedding.

Motherhood and career choices is where the idea of having it all, but just not at the same time comes in. Too many women put off serious relationships and having babies in favor of building a career. Sadly, some find they have waited too long. Yes, there is the option of freezing eggs, but youthful motherhood is still better. I think we need to give ourselves permission to prioritize raising children for a decade or even two. If you do the math, say you graduate from high school at age 18. You go to college and work until you are 25, actively dating in search of the perfect partner. You marry and have your children by the time you are 30, prioritizing child-rearing over work. When you are 40-45, you can return to college for a master’s degree and start or continue your career in earnest, unimpeded by childcare demands. You can then work for as many years as you are able or desire.

Being a mother isn’t a vocation. Most mothers know that raising children is both fulfilling and challenging. But some fail to realize that it is a temporary role. Children grow up and the mother-child relationship along with its responsibilities shift. Mothers will always love and worry, but mothers are supposed to stop “mothering” when their children are adults. I’ve seen plenty of women who mistakenly think that being a mother is their primary vocation and identity. While motherhood is a temporary priority for sure, those who think otherwise panic when their children begin kindergarten, and many feel lost or go into depression when their children leave home. I was never like that because I viewed the role as a temporary one, worthy of my best effort.

While not right or not possible for many, I worked undemanding jobs for a bit and then chose to stay home with my children during their formative years because I wanted to give them my full attention. I wanted to monitor their homework, to teach them life skills, and to give them a very broad range of experiences. However, I always viewed staying at home with them as temporary and I looked forward to sending them into their adulthood as well-equipped humans so I could fully dedicate myself to a career. I lamented that the divorce cut some of that plan short, particularly for my son who was only eleven at the time and my second daughter who was a very vulnerable 14- year-old. However, I put aside my personal hurt and anger over the divorce and encouraged their father to remain active in their lives. They needed him, too, and we remained full partners in parenthood. Alimony allowed me the time to earn a master’s degree and to embark on a new career.

And finally, I’ll give advice about homemaking. When I was a stay-at-home mother, I was the classic Suzi Homemaker. However, in truth, anyone who lives in a home (of all genders and ages) is a homemaker. We each assume specific roles to ensure the security, cleanliness, and comfort of the place we reside. In my home, I happen to be the primary cook because I’m much better at it than my husband. He is better at fixing things, building things, and installing stuff, so he assumes that “handyman” role. We each do our own laundry from start to finish and we both do dishes and clean toilets. We garden and grocery shop together. He cleans the showers and takes out the trash. I vacuum, mop, and dust. We both clean windows. At one point we paid a housekeeper when we were working, but since we’re retired, we’ve divided up the household chores.

I’ve been fortunate to have experienced being married twice to men who respected my independent thoughts and aspirations and my autonomy as a human being. I’ve had the privilege of being a stay-at-home mom to focus on my children until the youngest was eleven. I’ve also had the joy of obtaining a full education, earning a bachelor’s degree early in life and post-divorce, I earned both a master’s and then a doctorate. When the children were gone, I remarried, focused harder on my career and traveled around the world for fifteen years. Today, I am a financially independent retired wife and grandmother who writes a blog every Sunday. My mother was right. I was able to have it all, but at different times.