Letter to Speaker Johnson on Women & LGBTQ Issues

As women and LGBTQ folks become more visible in public life and excel educationally, economically, and socially, it seems that some young men, including black men, are viewing women and LGBTQ folks as a threat to their longstanding power. These insecure young men are embracing the misogynist political views of the right, embodied in Trump. They aren’t turned off by his sexual assault nor by the right’s attack on transgender rights. In fact, they are happy to roll back women’s rights and would prefer to push LGBTQ folks back in the closet. Under Biden, the Violence Against Women Act was reauthorized, the Respect for Marriage Act and the Equality Act were signed into law. These are anti-discrimination laws designed to provide protection, equal justice, and opportunity under the law. Speaker Johnson voted against all three. This week, I wrote a third letter to Speaker Mike Johnson, arguing against his use of the Bible to deny women and LGBTQ rights and in favor of honoring our Constitution. I hope you will join me in voting blue this November and exercising your right to petition our government.

Dear Speaker Johnson,

This is my third letter addressing public policy and your insistence on using the Bible as your guide to passing the laws that govern our nation.  I, too, am a Christian.  However, I believe the Bible is intended as a guide for my personal life, not the lives of others. The Ten Commandments were for the Old Testament Jewish nation and Jesus never preached a government takeover of the laws using the Bible, but He instead preached the conversion of our individual hearts to loving God and loving our neighbor as ourselves.  He charged His followers with preaching the gospel, not making laws. He made it clear that His Kingdom is not of this earth and not made with human hands, so I really don’t understand how what you are trying to accomplish is any different than the Taliban.  The supreme law of this land is our Constitution, and it guarantees each of the freedom of religion.

I am thankful to be free to follow Christ and to live according to what I believe is right.  Our Constitution says that this is true for all citizens, whatever their religious beliefs or lack thereof. The job of the legislature is to pass laws that “establish justice, ensure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty for ourselves and our posterity.”   However, I view your insistence on using the Bible as a guide to legislate in opposition to upholding the Constitution and the freedoms it provides to all citizens, especially women and members of the LGBTQ community.

No one is pushing anyone to be gay.  No one is challenging heterosexual marriage. No one is forcing anyone to have an abortion.  No one is asking you, your wife, or your children to change their gender.  As a Christian, I believe it is my responsibility to treat people the way I want to be treated and as an American, I believe it is my duty to insist that civil liberties and equal access to every benefit and opportunity that the country has to offer is enjoyed by all citizens.  How individuals love or live their lives is between them, their conscience, their family, their doctor, and their God. These personal matters need to be kept personal and without state intervention so long as other living and breathing people are not injured.  And let me be clear, information about alternative lifestyles is not injurious, but helpful.  As a mother, a grandmother, and a retired educator, I have seen that learning about alternative lifestyles actually encourages tolerance, understanding, and results in less bullying and violence.  This helps to ensure domestic tranquility and promotes the general welfare.  Have you forgotten that Jesus commanded us not to judge others, but to love?  Have you forgotten how He treated the woman who was going to be stoned for adultery? Compassion changes hearts, not compulsion.   Let God be the judge.  

As a black American female who cares about the Constitution, I am committed to petitioning my government to ensure justice and liberty for all.  I do not believe that women and LGBTQ folks are less deserving of justice and the freedom to pursue their best lives. But for too long, this nation has denied women and LGBTQ folks opportunity, justice, and liberty.

My mother was subjected to physical abuse at the hands of my father for many years. I’ve stood between my mother and major injury a few times, once in front of a loaded gun.  I regularly called the police, but they did nothing.  We left our comfortable home and went into hiding to escape the violence, living in seedy motels until my grandparents stepped in to find us a permanent home in a safe neighborhood.

I, myself, have been sexually assaulted on three separate occasions and each had a negative impact on me, and I’ve never had justice.  The first time, I was ten and my white adult neighbor cornered me in his living room while my brothers were playing in his backyard. I never told my parents because my violent father would have killed him and gone to prison, thrusting us into certain poverty. The second time, I was 16 and my high school chemistry teacher cornered me in the storage room.  I stayed silent because I knew that no one would take the word of a black girl over a white chemistry teacher.  And the third time was by my boss, a white man who called me into his office, closed the door and tried to sexually assault me.  I escaped his horrific assault and left the building, quitting that well-paying job, and facing financial distress.  I, like so many women, lived without justice and with thwarted opportunities, and it is not right.   

I understand that you voted against the Violence Against Women Re-Authorization Act, the Equality Act, and the Respect for Marriage Act.  This is disappointing and shows a lack of understanding, care, and respect for the challenges some citizens face as they, too, pursue life, liberty and justice and happiness. 

Bigotry is not Christlike behavior and condoning legal discrimination against citizens is bad public policy that works against our Constitutional principles, makes life unbearable for women and LGBTQ people and harms our economy, mocks justice, and undermines our unity and domestic tranquility as a nation. Do better as a Christian and especially as a legislator.  Our Constitution is a great guide for good public policy while the Bible is good guidance for your personal life.


Dr. Juanita Hall  

Voting citizen of the United States